
Update the definition of a trigger resource.



Request Elements

path: A fully qualified path to the resource.

detail: The level of detail about the resources to include in the response. Valid values are NONE, SIMPLE, and FULL.

enabled (optional): TRUE to enable the trigger, FALSE to disable it.

conditionType (optional): The type of condition the trigger should wait for.

conditionSchedule (optional): See Schedule Element.

conditionAttributes (optional): The attributes that define the filter for the conditionType. This element must be provided if (and only if) conditionType is provided. See Attributes Element.

actionType (optional): The type of action the trigger should take when the condition occurs.

actionAttributes (optional): List of the attributes that define the action that should be taken when the trigger occurs. This element must be provided if (and only if) actionType is provided. See Attributes Element.

maxEventsQueued (optional): The maximum number of triggering events to queue.

annotation (optional): A description of the resource. If not provided, the annotation is left unaltered.

attributes (optional): Resource specific attributes. Sets the specified attributes but does not alter the values of unspecified attributes. See Attributes Element.

Response Elements

resources: List of the updated resources. See Resources Element.


IllegalArgument: If the path or detail are illegal.

IllegalState: If the specified conditionType or actionType is not supported, or the attributes for that type are not properly configured.

NotAllowed: If an attempt is made to use this operation with an insufficient license.

NotFound: If the target resource or any portion of path does not exist.

Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.

Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in path.

Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.