Notify Agents about Session Timeouts

TIBCO Enterprise Administrator can notify agents about HTTP session timeouts when a session expires or when a user logs out. To receive session timeout notifications, an agent must implement the TeaSessionListener interface.

The agent must implement the TeaSessionListener, add the listener, and pass the session ID to a TeaOperation.


public interface TeaSessionListener
extends EventListener{
void onSessionDestroyed(TeaSessionEvent event);
You can access the session id using an instance of TeaSessionEvent.

Sample code that Implements TeaSessionListener

package com.tibco.tea.agent;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

import com.tibco.tea.agent.annotations.TeaOperation;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.annotations.TeaParam;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.api.BaseTeaObject;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.api.TopLevelTeaObject;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.server.TeaAgentServer;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.api.TeaSession;
import com.tibco.tea.agent.api.*;

public class HelloWorldAgent implements TopLevelTeaObject{
    private static final String NAME = "hw";
    private static final String DESC = "Hello World";
    public String getDescription() {
        return DESC;
    public String getName() {
        return NAME;
    public Collection<BaseTeaObject> getMembers() {
        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    public String getTypeDescription() {
        return "Top level type for HelloWorld";
    public String getTypeName() {
        return "HelloWorldTopLevelType";

    @TeaOperation(name = NAME, description = "Send greetings")
    public String helloworld(
            @TeaParam(name = "greetings", description = "Greeting parameter")
            final String greetings, final TeaSession session) throws IOException {
            System.out.println("Session Id =====";
        				return "Hello " + greetings;
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
        TeaAgentServer server = new TeaAgentServer("HelloWorldAgent", "1.1","Hello World Agent", "localhost", 1234,
                                   "/helloworldagent", true);
        server.registerInstance(new HelloWorldAgent());
        server.addEventListener(new HelloSessionListener());
        System.out.println("Agent Started at with changes: http://localhost:1234/helloworldagent");

    public static class HelloSessionListener implements TeaSessionListener {
        public void onSessionDestroyed(final TeaSessionEvent event) {
            String id = event.getTeaSession().id();
            System.out.println("Session destroyed " + id);
