
This is a directive available under tea.directives. The teaPanel builds a custom panel using the nested elements as panel content.


<tea-panel class="span7" title="'Tomcat'" name="'Web Application'">
    <table class="tea-table">
            <tr ng-repeat="webapp in webapps">
                <td class="highlight"><a ng-click="goto(webapp)">{{webapp.name}}</a></td>
                <td class="status"
                ng-class="webapp.status.state == 'RUNNING' |conditional:'tea-status-ok':'tea-status-error'">
Directive Details

The directive creates a new scope.


The following types are supported:
  • fixed: If a directive is set to be fixed, you cannot resize or collapse the panel.
  • titleLink: This attribute makes the title of a panel a hyperlink. You can provide the link in the value of the attribute.
Nested Directives

This directive supports the nested directive teaPanelActions.

    <a class="tea-action-btn" ng-click="openOperation('registerAgent')">Register</a>