Creating Keystore Credential Resources

By creating a Keystore Credential Resource, you can store encrypted passwords on a keystore. The Keystore Credential Resource provides the ability to specify a keystore (PKCS#12, JKS, JCEKS) containing public certificates, private keys, and secret keys (passwords) for use by the Identity Trust and Identity Subject service providers.


Ensure that the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server and the agent are running. Ensure that the agent is registered with the server.


  1. Log in to TIBCO Enterprise Administrator.
  2. From the landing page, click TIBCOSecurityServer card.
  3. Click Resource Manager Service.
  4. From the Keystore Credential Resources pane, click create.
    Note: Alternatively, click Keystore Credential Resources, and in the following page, click create.
  5. Provide the following details:
    Property Description
    Name Required. Name of the keystore.
    keyStoreFile Required. Choose a keystore file.
    keyStoreLocation Required. Point to the location of the keystore.
    keyStorePassword Required field only if keyStore location is specified.
    keyStoreType Required field only if keyStore location is specified. Some examples of the keystore Type are JCEKS, JKS, PKCS12.
    keyStoreProvider Optional. Some names of the keyStoreProvider are:
    1. SunJCE (JCEKS format)
    2. SUN (JKS format)
    3. IBMJCE (IBM JREs)
    4. SunJSSE (PKCS12 format)
    keystoreRefreshInterval Required. Time in millisecond to refresh the keystore.
    keystoreCacheLocation Optional. Point to the location of the keystore cache.
    sslIdentityProvider Optional. Name of the SSL Identity Provider.
  6. Click create to create a Keystore Credential resource.
    Note: You can create a Keystore Credential resource using python scripts available under TIBCO_HOME\tea\agents\tss\<version>\samples\resourceManagerService\keystore.