Introduction to the Shell Commands

TIBCO Enterprise Administrator provides a set of commands to perform almost all the tasks possible using the user interface.

TIBCO Enterprise Administrator shell is a remote shell based on SSH protocol. The shell only needs an SSH client such as PUTTY or Terminal to connect to the shell. The shell scripting language is similar to bash in Unix.

In addition to these commands, the Shell scripting language offers some features that can help you work better with the command-line interface. Command completion, piping, support for interactive arguments, and support for binding session variables to arguments are some such features.
  • Command completion: Commands can be completed by using the Tab key. Commands and arguments passed to path-based commands such as ls, cd, show status, and so on are automatically completed by pressing the Tab key.
  • Support for interactive arguments: You can enter a command by entering each argument when being prompted to. For example, the create command takes arg1 and arg2 as parameters. You can pass these arguments in an interactive mode as follows:
    foo bar
  • Support for Complex Parameters: In the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator shell, operations that take Complex type parameters can be passed in the JSON format for both the single line mode and the interactive mode.
    If the JSON input is in a single line, use single quotes with the JSON String.
    removeprivileges '[{"productName":"tomcat", "objectType":"all", "name":"Lifecycle"}]'
    Executed the command 'removeprivileges' successfully.
    If the JSON input is in an interactive mode, do not use single quotes with the JSON string.
    permissions:[{"productName":"tomcat", "objectType":"all", "name":"Update"}]
    Executed the command 'removeprivileges' successfully.
  • Support for binding session variables to arguments: Consider an operation defined on agent this way:
    create(@TeaParam(name="type") String type, @TeaParam(name="name") String name, 
    @TeaParam(name="domain", alias="d") String domain);
    In this case, you can invoke the operation in the following manner:
    domain = QA-Domain
    create appspace HR-AppSpace
  • Support for piping of commands: You can send the output of one command as an input to the other using pipes (|).
Attention: The number of attempts a user can make to connect to the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server depends on the configuration file of your shell client. If you want to change the number of attempts available to a user, tweak the NumberOfPasswordPrompts property in the configuration file of your shell client. Changing the MaxAuthRequests property in the tea.conf alone does not help reflect these changes. On Unix-based platforms, look for the NumberOfPasswordPrompts property in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. On Windows, a ssh client tool like Putty should have a similar configuration file to provide the number of password attempts.