How to Get Shared TeaObject Along with All the References

A TeaObject has references to all its members. When you get a TeaObject from the database, you have the option to get the high-level object or you can request the object with all the references included (Closure).

To retrieve a TeaObject Closure use the following code:

@TeaOperation(name = "getJohnClosure", description = "getJohnClosure")
public String getJohnClosure() throws IOException {    
TeaPersistence persistence = ShareReaderAgent.server.getPersistence();    
Map<String, JSONObject> johnClosure = persistence.getObjectClosure("ShareWriterAgent", "Person", "john");    
return Joiner.on(",").join(johnClosure.values());

The object returned by this method is in JSON format. Below is an example that is returned by the sample code above:

  "description":"Peter Person",      
     "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"Adam Person",      
          "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"Sarah Person",      
          "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"Brian Person",      
          "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"Anna Person",      
          "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"John Person",      
          "address":"3303 Hillview Avenue"      
       "description":"BMW Car",      