Creating Credential Server Resource

The Credential Server Resource contains configuration details of Credential Authority Server.


Ensure that the TEA server and the TEA agent for TIBCO Security Server are running. Ensure that you have started the Credential Authority Server.


  1. Log in to TIBCO Enterprise Administrator.
  2. From the landing page, click TIBCOSecurityServer card.
  3. Click Resource Manager Service.
  4. From the Credential Server Resources pane, click create.
    Note: Alternatively, click Credential Server Resources, and in the following page, click create.
  5. Provide the following details:
    Property Description
    Name Required. Name of the keystore.
    credentialServerHost Required. Hostname of the credential server.
    credentialServerPort Required. The port on which the credential server listens. Make sure it is available.
    credentialServerURLs Required. URLs of the credential server.
    credentialProvider Optional. Name of the credential provider.
    keyAlias Optional. The key alias name.
    keysPassword Optional. The key password.
    credentialServerThumprint Optional. The thumb print of the credential server.
    enableSSL Optional. Select this optopn to enable SSL.
    commonName Optional. Common Name of the credential server.
  6. Click create to create a Credential Server resource.
    Note: You can create a Credential Server resource using python scripts available under TIBCO_HOME\tea\agents\tss\<version>\samples\resourceManagerService\credentialServer.