Configuring SSL: One-Way Authentication

To configure a one-way SSL authentication, you must set some SSL-related properties in the tea.conf file as well as on the Agent.


  1. Open <TIBCO_CONFIG_HOME>\tibco\cfgmgmt\tea\conf\tea.conf.
  2. Add the properties listed in the section, SSL Properties in the tea.conf file.
    The following is an example of the tea.conf file with SSL settings:
    tea.http.keystore = "/Users/<username>/tea/keystore/httpserversslkeys.jceks"
    tea.http.truststore = "/Users/<username>/tea/keystore/httpserverssltrusts.jceks"
    tea.http.keystore-password = "password"
    tea.http.truststore-password = "password"
    tea.http.key-manager-password = "password"
    tea.http.cert-alias = "httpserver"
    tea.http.want.client.auth = false
    tea.http.need.client.auth = false
    Note: The TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server supports the keystore formats supported by Java. Therefore, keystore formats such as, jks, jceks, pkcs12 are supported by the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server. For a detailed list of supported keystore formats, refer to the KeyStore Types documentation on the Oracle Website.
  3. Set the same properties on the Agent. Refer to the section, "Setting SSL Properties on the Agent", in the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator Developer's Guide.