Retrieve LDAP Configurations by Providing the Realm Name

The example shows the sample responses when provided with a valid and an invalid realm name.

Before proceeding with the example, ensure that the following conditions are met:
  1. The TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server is running.
  2. Provide the administrator credentials to handle Basic authentication.
  3. HTTP URL: http://[tea-server-hostname]:[port]/teas/task
  4. HTTP Method: PUT
  5. HTTP Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
This example considers 'acme' to be the realm name that is passed to retrieve the LDAP configuration. In this case the sample request body is:
The following is the sample response if the realm name is valid:
{ "agentId" : "tea",
  "error" : null,
  "id" : "21cc6a2a66-14399518403-20",
  "operation" : "getrealmconfig",
  "progress" : 100,
  "progressStatus" : "DONE",
  "result" : { "bindPassword" : "secret",
      "bindUserDN" : "uid=admin,ou=system",
      "description" : "acme description",
      "groupIdAttribute" : "cn",
      "groupSearchBaseDN" : "ou=Special Groups,dc=example,dc=com",
      "groupSearchExpression" : "cn={0}",
      "groupUsersAttribute" : "uniquemember",
      "groups" : [  ],
      "realmName" : "acme",
      "searchTimeOut" : 10005,
      "serverUrl" : "ldap://",
      "subGroupsAttribute" : "uniquemember",
      "userIdAttribute" : "uid",
      "userPasswordAttribute" : "userPassword",
      "userSearchBaseDN" : "ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com",
      "userSearchExpression" : "(&(uid={0})(objectclass=*))",
      "users" : [  ]
  "returnType" : null,
  "status" : "DONE",
  "timeCreated" : 621835579957612,
  "timeFinished" : 621835580561226,
  "userId" : "admin"
The following is the sample response if the realm name is invalid:
"Managed object with ID 'tea:tea:1.1.0:realm:acme' not found"