TIBCO Enterprise Administrator SDK Architecture

TIBCO Enterprise Administrator SDK consists of two main components—the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server and the agent library. An agent is a program that mediates between the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server and a specific product. You can use the agent library to develop agents for any product.

The TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server has two distinct user interfaces—a web-based GUI and a command line shell interface.

To manage a product using TIBCO Enterprise Administrator, the corresponding agent must be registered with the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server.

To monitor and manage your product with TIBCO Enterprise Administrator
  1. Develop an agent.
  2. Compile and start the agent.
  3. Register the agent with the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server.

You can develop agents for any product using the agent library. The TIBCO Enterprise Administrator SDK includes sample agents that demonstrate aspects of agent development.

Develop an agent

An agent represents your product in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator. An agent identifies the assets of the product that need to be rendered on the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator. Use the agent library to model the set of assets available in your product. The agent library provides you with five basic concepts to represent your product on TIBCO Enterprise Administrator. The concepts are: Process, Application, Resource, Access_Point, and Top_Level. For example, in the ActiveMatrix world, a node is an operating system Process, the DAA file is an Application, an environment is a Group, an enterprise is a Top_Level concept, and a SOAP endpoint is the Access_Point. In this manner, assets available in your product can be modelled into a concept provided by the agent library.

Every asset can have attributes, actions, and relationships associated with it. For example, some attributes of an ActiveMatrix node are the name of a node, the default state, and the location of the node. Creating a node, starting or stopping a node are the actions that can be performed on the node. The correlation that the node has with its environment is the relationship it shares with the environment. As an agent developer, you must start by identifying the assets that need to be modelled using the agent library. You then must define the attributes, actions, and relationships of each asset.

Compile and Start the Agent

After developing the agent, compile and start the agent by running the appropriate ant scripts.

Register an Agent with the Server

After starting the agent, register the agent with the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server.