Modeling Members in Annotation Style

To model a managed object that contains other managed objects, implement a method that returns an array or java.util.Collection of members, and annotate that method as @TeaGetMembers.

Members indicates a containment relationship. Model any other type of relationship using @TeaReference. See also References Aspect.


The container object and the member object are both defined in annotation style.


  • Implement a method to get the members. Annotate it as @TeaGetMembers. The method must return either an array or java.util.Collection of AgentObjectIdentifier instances.
        AgentObjectIdentifier[] getMembers(@KeyParam final String key) {
        Collection<AgentObjectIdentifier> getMembers(@KeyParam final String key) {
    com.tibco.tea.agent.types.AgentObjectIdentifier is a standard format for virtual objects within agents.