Selecting a Specific Version of the TIBCO Enterprise Administrator UI Library

TIBCO Enterprise Administrator allows you to set the tea_version attribute in the customization.json file which automatically allows you to use the versions of AngularJS, AngularStrap, and Bootstrap supported in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator.


The tea_version attribute is available in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator 2.0 and later.
Note: The angular_version attribute has been deprecated in TEA 2.0. The agents developed using the 1.3 or earlier version of the agent library can be used with TIBCO Enterprise Administrator 2.0 server without any modifications.


  • In the static resources folder of the agent, edit the file customization.json. Within the app definition, set the attribute tea_version. For example, the customization.json file for the Tomcat sample would be:
      "tomcat": {
        "app": {
          "name": "tomcat-app",
          "modules": {
            "$strap.directives": "/tea/vendor/angularstrap/angular-strap.min.js",
            "tomcat": "scripts/tomcat.js"
          "tea_version": "2.0"
    Setting the tea_version attribute to 2.0 will use the following versions of these software:
    Software Version
    AngularJS 1.2.14
    AngularStrap 2.1.0
    Bootstrap 3.2.0
    Keep the following in mind:
    • If the user interface has not been customized, the latest versions of AngularJS, AngularStrap, and Bootstrap supported by TEA get loaded.
    • If the user interface has been customized and you set the attribute tea_version=2.0, the latest versions of AngularJS, AngularStrap, and Bootstrap supported by TEA get loaded.
    • If the user interface has been customized and you have used the angular_version attribute, the specified version of AngularJS(supported by TEA), AngularStrap v0.7.8, and Bootstrap v2.3.2 get loaded.
    • If the user interface has been customized and neither the tea_version nor the angular_version attribute is set, the AngularJS v1.0 , AngularStrap v0.7.8, and Bootstrap v2.3.2 get loaded.