Effective Oct 17, 2024
This page provides important product-specific information that supplements the terms at https://www.cloud.com/legal/terms as well as other product documentation for the following products:
TIBCO® Platform
TIBCO® Platform Add-on for Business Process Management
TIBCO® Platform Add-on for Event Processing
TIBCO® Enterprise Fulfillment Orchestration Suite
TIBCO iProcess® Suite
TIBCO® Enterprise MDM
“Cloud Computing Environment” means a virtual, cloud-based networking solution managed / maintained by a third-party cloud service provider on behalf of Customer, including Cloud Machine Instances, and offered to the public for use and purchase.
As part of an active entitlement to the Products, Customer has the right to deploy that Software into a Cloud Computing Environment. Customer shall (i) ensure that any third-party provided Cloud Computing Environment does not grant access to the Software to any party except for Customer, (ii) be responsible for monitoring any third-party provider's hosting of Software, including compliance with the license terms and (iii) be responsible for any violations of the Agreement by a third-party provider.
"Application Instance" means a single instance of an application for each component listed in the Metrics for Usage Reports table for TIBCO Platform and the TIBCO Platform Add-On products. For applications deployed to a container-based PaaS platform such as Cloud Foundry(TM), Kubernetes, OpenShift and similar Docker/Kubernetes based container platforms and cloud services, “Application Instance” means a single instance of application running inside a container.
“Connection” means:
For TIBCO Rendezvous, a Connection is defined as a network link or session established by an application built with the TIBCO Rendezvous Client Libraries to an instance of the TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon. TIBCO Hawk and TIBCO Messaging Monitor are exempt from TIBCO Rendezvous connection count in the Usage Report.
For TIBCO Enterprise Message Service: the connection established between an application built with the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Client Libraries and an instance of the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Server
For all other messaging components listed in the Metrics for Usage Reports table: a network link established by an application built with the TIBCO FTL Client Libraries, TIBCO eFTL Client Libraries, Apache Pulsar Client Libraries, Apache Kafka Client Libraries, or MQTT Client Libraries, to an instance of the TIBCO FTL Server, Apache Pulsar Broker, Apache Kafka Broker, or Eclipse Mosquitto Broker.
“Core” means a processing unit within a CPU (Central Processing Unit) that carries out instructions and calculations
“Each” means unlimited usage of the Licensor Software subject to the terms on this page.
"MSU" means Millions of Service Units, a measurement of the amount of processing work a computer can perform in one hour, based on the then current MSU rating established by IBM for IBM Z compatible hardware which is used for software pricing (not necessarily a direct indication of relative processor capacity or the Consumption Solution) as outlined in IBM's generally available Large System Performance Reference. MSUs measures hardware performance and is specifically used for Software pricing executing on IBM Z hardware.
“Named User” means, an identifiable individual, not necessarily named at the time of a license grant, designated by Customer to access the Product, regardless of whether or not the individual is actively using the Product at any given time. An individual shall only be designated as a Named User on the earlier of a) they are authorized by Customer to access the Product or b) once they have accessed the Product.
"Network Service Instance” means a network service deployed in Kubernetes as defined by the Rendezvous custom resource.
“Node” means a TIBCO ActiveSpaces copyset node or proxy where each copyset node or proxy is an operating system process with an unique process id, or a node of TIBCO® Gemini - Powered by Apache Cassandra®.
“Process Instance” means the execution or occurrence of a TIBCO® BPM Enterprise business process.
"ProdPlus" means a License Type for the Product which allows deployment in Production or Non-Production environments.
“Reporting Period” means each 12-month period within the Customer’s subscription term.
“Transaction” means a unit of work with a unique BusinessConnect transaction ID.
"Trading Partner" means an entity or individual with whom the Customer engages in accordance with this Agreement in electronic commerce by means of Product and an individual with whom Customer engages to provide services, which may include, electronic commerce and or general service activation and provisioning of wireline and wireless packages for the exchange of data and content.
“vCPU” means a virtual central processing unit of a Virtual Machine. It represents the ability to run one processor thread on a physical CPU.
TIBCO Platform Bill of Materials
TIBCO Platform comprises both software accessible through TIBCO Control Plane and software obtained through eDelivery.
Licensed TIBCO Platform Customers can deploy any components of that Product through the TIBCO Control Plane with these exceptions:
Under the license for TIBCO Platform or a TIBCO Platform Add-On product, Customers can also deploy additional software obtained from https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/index.ep onto their customer environment. The software that they can deploy under this license is listed under that Product name in the TIBCO Platform eDelivery Bill of Materials table.
Please also see “Component Versions” for more information about the versions of the software and other components included.
TIBCO Product | Bill of Materials |
TIBCO Platform | Integration
Data Grid
Integration - B2B
Integration - Mainframe
TIBCO® Platform Add-on for Business Process Management |
TIBCO® Platform Add-on for Event Processing |
While you have an active entitlement to TIBCO Platform, the license entitles you to use any supported version of the above TIBCO Platform components listed in the Bill of Materials, which includes supported versions of relevant components with these exceptions
Component Version Exceptions:
Component | Component version | Additional Information |
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks SmartMapper Enterprise Server 6.0.0 | 6.0.0 | Support article 000053269 |
Please see End of Support Information for TIBCO Product Versions to see the support status for the versions of the Products listed and their components.
During the term of a Customer’s Subscription to these Products, (as well as any licensed TIBCO Platform Add-On product/s) the Customer shall provide Company with a written notice certifying the quantities deployed at the end of each annual Reporting Period for each Component in the table below (the “Usage Report”). For each Component, the Usage Report shall include the quantities at the end of the reporting period, or cumulative as identified in the table below, of the Usage Metric listed and the type of deployment environment (Development, Test, or Production).
Each Usage Report shall be due 60 days after the Reporting Period has ended, with the exception of the Usage Report for the final Reporting Period covered in the Customer’s subscription term:
Metrics for Usage Reports
Product | Category | Component | Usage Metric to be submitted** |
TIBCO Platform | Integration | TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks | Application Instance |
TIBCO Flogo Enterprise | Application Instance | ||
TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition | Application Instance | ||
TIBCO Integration - Connectivity for TIBCO Platform | List of which connectors are used | ||
Messaging | TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service | Connection | |
TIBCO FTL | Connection | ||
TIBCO eFTL | Connection | ||
TIBCO Rendezvous | Connection | ||
TIBCO Messaging Castle - Powered by Apache Kafka | Connection | ||
TIBCO Rendezvous Network Service (TRNS) | Network Service Instance | ||
TIBCO Messaging Quasar - Powered by Apache Pulsar | Connection | ||
Data Grid | TIBCO Data Grid | Node | |
Integration - B2B | TIBCO Managed File Transfer Internet Server | Total number of files transferred and gigabytes transferred during the Reporting Period | |
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for IBM i TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for UNIX TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/Linux TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS | Total number of files transferred and gigabytes transferred by Platform Server during the Reporting Period | ||
TIBCO BusinessConnect | Total number of Transactions during the Reporting Period | ||
TIBCO BusinessConnect Protocols | Total number of Transactions per protocol during the Reporting Period | ||
Integration - Mainframe | TIBCO Substation ES | MSU | |
TIBCO Mainframe RED | MSU | ||
TIBCO Platform Add-on for Event Processing | N/A | TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition | Application Instance |
TIBCO Platform Add-on for Business Process Management | N/A | TIBCO BPM Enterprise | Named User and Process Instance |
**These metrics can change with 6 months notice.
During the term of a Customer’s Subscription to these Products, the Customer shall provide Company with a written notice certifying the quantities deployed at the end of each annual Reporting Period for each Component in the table below (the “Usage Report”). For each Component, the Usage Report shall include the quantities at the end of the reporting period, or cumulative as identified in the table below, of the Usage Metric listed and the type of deployment environment (Development, Test, or Production).
Each Usage Report shall be due 60 days after the Reporting Period has ended, with the exception of the Usage Report for the final Reporting Period covered in the Customer’s subscription term:
That final Usage Report shall be due 90 days before the end of the Reporting Period
The final Usage Report shall only cover the first 8 months of the Reporting Period
Metrics for Usage Reports
Product | Component | Usage Metric to be submitted |
TIBCO iProcess® Suite | TIBCO iProcess® Engine | Core/vCPU |
TIBCO iProcess® Workspace | Named User | |
TIBCO iProcess® Developer | Named User | |
TIBCO® Enterprise MDM | TIBCO® MDM | Named User and Core/vCPU |
TIBCO® Patterns | Core/vCPU | |
TIBCO® Enterprise Fulfillment Orchestration Suite | TIBCO® Fulfillment Subscriber Inventory | Core/vCPU |
TIBCO® Offer and Price Engine | Core/vCPU | |
TIBCO® Order Management | Core/vCPU | |
TIBCO® Product and Service Catalog | Core/vCPU | |
TIBCO® Fulfillment Provisioning | Trading Partner |