How to: |
You can use the Administration Console to configure National Language Support and enable the Dynamic Language Switch.
Separate message files exist for every national language that WebFOCUS supports. If you want to customize the set of characters used in your report output, you must select the code page for every language you use.
These settings do not carry over during updates. You must repeat this customization step for each new release that you install.
The list adjusts to display the available code pages for the selected operating system.
Note: The language selected for the Client usually corresponds to the language selected for the Server from the Server Console.
If the language chosen from the Server Console does not appear in the drop-down list in the Administration Console, click User Defined Code Page and type the number of the user-defined code page.
Use this option, for example, when the server adds support for a new code page that is not yet reflected in the client software.
In the following sample configuration window, the administrator specified the User Defined Code Page 437.
Unicode (UTF-8) is available for the Windows, UNIX, or AS/400 operating systems.
Note: Because of a Java encoding limitation for ISO8859-1, characters 0x80 through 0x9F are not supported with the Application Server configured for code page 137. As a result, French users wanting to display the following characters correctly should configure the Application Server to use Cp1252.