EXPN: Evaluating a Number in Scientific Notation

How to:

The EXPN function evaluates a numeric literal or Dialogue Manager variable expressed in scientific notation.

Syntax: How to Evaluate a Number in Scientific Notation

EXPN(n.nn {E|D} {+|-} p)




Is a numeric literal that consists of a whole number component, followed by a decimal point, followed by a fractional component.

E, D

Denotes scientific notation. E and D are interchangeable.

+, -

Indicates if p is positive or negative.



Is the power of 10 to which to raise n.nn.

Note: EXPN does not use an output argument. The format of the result is floating-point double precision.

Example: Evaluating a Number in Scientific Notation

EXPN evaluates 1.03E+2.


The result is 103.