Using Storyboards

How to:

The Storyboard feature allows you to capture and preserve snapshots of your visualizations as you create them.

Each time you add something to the storyboard, it is placed onto a unique PowerPoint slide. When you click Show, you can open and review your slides in PowerPoint.

Since storyboards give you the ability to turn your visualizations into a PowerPoint presentation, you can modify your storyboard to create a customized demo. For example, you can rearrange or delete slides, or add titles and text.

You can also make your visualization portable by saving the PowerPoint files that you create and sharing the slides through email or other electronic distribution.

Procedure: How to Create a Storyboard

  1. Create a visual, for example, a bar chart or a grid.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Storyboard group, click Add.

    Note: When you receive the Added to Storyboard message, click OK.

  3. Insert another visual. On the Home tab, in the Visual group, click Insert.

    Note: You can also click the down-arrow on the Insert button to insert a chart, grid, or text.

  4. On the Home tab, in the Storyboard group, click Add.

    Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you complete your data analysis.

  5. On the Home tab, in the Storyboard group, click Show.

    A new browser window opens, and you are prompted to open or save the PowerPoint file that contains your storyboard.

    • If you click Open, the storyboard opens in PowerPoint. You can save the file as a PowerPoint presentation on your machine.
    • If you click Save, the storyboard will be saved to a PowerPoint (.pptx) file and placed in the Downloads folder on your machine. Click the down arrow on the right side of the Save button to perform a Save as. This allows you to specify the drive and directory to which the file will be saved.

    In PowerPoint, each storyboard frame displays as a PowerPoint slide, as shown in the following image.