In this section: |
A temporary field is a field whose value is not stored in the data source, but can be calculated from the data that is there, or assigned an absolute value. A temporary field takes up no storage space in the data source, and is created only when needed. DEFINE fields and COMPUTE fields are two different types of temporary fields.
When you create a temporary field, you determine its value by writing an expression. You can combine fields, constants, and operators in an expression to produce a single value. For example, if your data contains salary and deduction amounts, you can calculate the ratio of deductions to salaries using the following expression: deduction / salary.
You can specify the expression yourself, or you can use one of the many supplied functions that perform specific calculations or manipulations. In addition, you can use expressions and functions as building blocks for more complex expressions, as well as use one temporary field to evaluate another.
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The following information is provided to help you choose the kind of temporary field that you need.
A virtual field (DEFINE) is evaluated as each record that meets the selection criteria is retrieved from the data source. The result of the expression is treated as though it were a real field stored in the data source.
The calculation that determines the value of a virtual field is performed on each retrieved record that passes any screening conditions on real fields.
You can define a virtual field in the following ways:
A DEFINE field is an optional attribute used to create a virtual field for reporting. You can derive the virtual field value from information already in the data source (that is, from permanent fields).
You may define fields simultaneously (in addition to fields defined in the Master File) for as many data sources as desired. The total length of all virtual fields and real fields cannot exceed 32,000 characters.
The Detail Field (DEFINE) dialog box allows you to create a defined field, type a name for the field, and enter a format.
The Detail (DEFINE) dialog box is shown in the following image.
A calculated value (COMPUTE) is evaluated after all of the data that meets the selection criteria is retrieved, sorted, and summed. Therefore, the calculation is performed using the aggregated values of the fields. Calculated values are available only for the specified report request. You specify the COMPUTE command in the body of the report request, following the display command and optionally, introduced by AND. You can compute more than one field with a single COMPUTE command.
The Summary Field (COMPUTE) dialog box allows you to create a computed field, type a name for the field, and enter a format.
The Field List provides similar functionality, including options
to display data source fields in a Logical, List, or Structured
view. You can also view a complete set of functions, instead of
data source fields, by clicking the Functions button .
The Summary (COMPUTE) dialog box is shown in the following image.
How to: |
When working with Defines and Computes, field titles automatically display as you build your criteria in the Define (or Compute) text area.
Field titles are an attribute of a field. They are defined in the metadata and display only when specified for the field that you select. If a field title has not been defined in the metadata, the title that displays will be the physical field name.
The Use field titles feature enables you to see the field title (for example, Cost of Goods) rather than the fully qualified name of the field (for example, WF_RETAIL_LITE.WF_RETAIL_SALES.COGS_US). This facilitates easy identification of field names while building your Define or Compute. You can switch between the display of field titles and fully qualified field names by unchecking the Use field titles option, which you can access by clicking Additional Options, as shown in the following image.
If your Define or Compute uses more than one field with the same title (for example, Sale,Year), then only the first field will be added using field titles. Any other reference to this identical field will use the fully qualified field name. For example, in a sample InfoAssist data source, Sale,Year displays as the field title for two unique fields: WF_RETAIL_LITE.WF_RETAIL_TIME_SALES.TIME_YEAR and WF_RETAIL_LITE.WF_RETAIL_TIME_SALES.TIME_DATE_YEAR_COMPONENT. In this case, only WF_RETAIL_LITE.WF_RETAIL_TIME_SALES.TIME_YEAR would display (using field titles) as Sale,Year. The other field would display using the fully qualified field name, as shown in the following image.
Note: When reviewing a procedure (.fex) that contains Define or Compute code, field names always display as fully qualified field names, not field titles.
Note: The fields that you select display with field titles, as this is the default option. If you specify a field with a duplicate field title, the fully qualified field name is used for the second (and any subsequent) instance.
How to: |
When working with Defines and Computes, you can adjust the width of the text area to accommodate the size of the fields in your query. This is particularly useful if you are using fully qualified names or long formulas, which can span more than the standard width of the text area.
In its original state, the text area is aligned with the calculator, as shown in the following image.
When fully expanded, the text area removes the metadata tree and toolbar from view, as shown in the following image.
The Define or Compute dialog box displays, respectively.
The text area is resized.
The temporary fields that you create with the DEFINE and COMPUTE commands are tied to a specific Master File, and in the case of values calculated with the COMPUTE command, to a specific request. However, you can create temporary fields that are independent of either a Master File or a request using the DEFINE FUNCTION command.
A DEFINE function is a named group of calculations that use any number of input values and produce a return value. When calling a DEFINE function, you must first define the function.
A DEFINE function can be called in most of the same situations that are valid for supplied functions. Data types are defined with each argument. When substituting values for these arguments, the format must match the defined format. Alphanumeric arguments shorter than the specified format are padded with blanks, while longer alphanumeric arguments are truncated.
All calculations within the function are done in double precision. Format conversions occur only across equal signs (=) in the assignments that define temporary fields.
When working with DEFINEs and COMPUTEs, you can use the Missing Values option to enable or disable the display of missing values for a DEFINE or COMPUTE field. This allows you to accurately display missing values in reports, charts, and visualizations. The Missing Values option, which is accessible through the Additional Options button, is shown in the following image.
The following descriptions explain each option on the Missing Values drop-down list: