How to: |
WebFOCUS Designer allows you to integrate real-time streaming data with your charts using the Automatic refresh option. For example, for IoT analytics applications, if you configured a connection to a streaming data source using the Kafka adapter, the Automatic refresh option can be enabled to update your chart dynamically at a specified interval (in seconds). Depending on your specific use case or requirements, you can configure multiple charts using the Automatic refresh option and add them to assembled pages. Each chart will refresh independently with updated data based on the specified refresh rate.
As of WebFOCUS Designer 8207, the Automatic refresh option is supported for all chart types, except for maps (for example, Proportional Symbol and Choropleth maps). The Automatic refresh option is not available for reports in WebFOCUS Designer. In addition, this option is not included in InfoAssist. Automatic refresh is only supported for stand-alone charts. If you convert the chart to a page, a warning appears, alerting you that automatic refresh will not be carried over.
Note: You can also double-click a measure or dimension to add it to the relevant bucket or drag it into the relevant bucket.
Note: You can specify a maximum value of 120 seconds (two minutes) as the refresh rate.
You can continue to build and modify your chart as required.
Observe your chart while it is running and make a note of any adjustments that should be made. For example, if the chart is being refreshed too quickly, then you should consider increasing the number of seconds specified for the Automatic refresh option.
To disable the Automatic refresh option:
The selected visualization opens in WebFOCUS Designer.