Authorizing Multiple Diagrams

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Once a diagram is ready to be authorized, a request for authorization will notify the assigned authorizers and a notification will appear in their To-Do list.

Rejecting a diagram will email the author, who will then decide whether to cancel the authorization request or agree on a resolution with the authorizer.  A diagram cannot be promoted until it has been authorized by all assigned authorizers.

If you are already familiar with the content associated with particular authorization requests, you can authorize or reject multiple items in one go.


1.Click and then Authorizations.

2.Select the check boxes of the items you want to authorize.

3.Click either ACCEPT x ITEMS or REJECT x ITEMS (where x is the number of selected items).

4.Select a Reason for authorizing.

Note: This step is only applicable if you choose to accept the authorization.

5.In the Comments field, type any relevant comments.

Note: Comments are optional when accepting authorizations, however when rejecting authorizations you must disclose your reasons.

6.In the Password field, type your password, and then click ACCEPT or REJECT.