Authorizing a Single Document

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Once a file is ready to be authorized, a request for authorization will notify the assigned authorizers and a notification will appear in their To-Do list.

Rejecting a file will email the author, who will then decide whether to cancel the authorization request or agree on a resolution with the authorizer.  A file cannot be promoted until it has been authorized by all assigned authorizers.


1.Click and then Authorizations.

2.From the I want to heading click the View document details link.

3.Click either ACCEPT or REJECT.

4.Select a Reason for authorizing.

Note: This step is only applicable if you choose to accept the authorization.

5.In the Comments field, type any relevant comments.

Note: Comments are optional when accepting an authorization, however when rejecting an authorization you must disclose your reasons.

6.In the Password field, type your password, and then click ACCEPT or REJECT.