Editing Storyboard Details

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Edit the details of a storyboard.

You can edit the properties, owner, author, primary email contact, acknowledgment text, offline storyboard playback options and the cover image of draft and master storyboards.


1.Click the Storyboards link on the navigation bar.

2.Click either Master details or Draft details of the storyboard you want to edit.

Note: If the storyboard is locked then you will not be able to edit some of the details. For further information on unlocking storyboards, please click here.  Note any changes made to the draft storyboard will not be reflected in the published (master) version until it has been authorized and promoted again.

3.Click and then Edit details.

4.Edit any details, as required, and then click OK.

Note: If you want to change the owner and/or author, you must first delete the existing user before typing the name of the user you want to replace them with.