In this section:

How to:


The NEXT command selects and reads segment instances from a data source. You can use NEXT to read an entire set of records at a time, or just a single segment instance. You can select segments by field value or sequentially.

You specify a path running from an anchor segment to a target segment. NEXT reads all the fields from the anchor through the target, and (if the anchor segment is not the root) all the keys of the ancestor segments of the anchor. It copies what it has read to the stack that you specify or, if you omit a stack name, to the Current Area.

If the anchor segment is not the root, you must establish a current instance in each of the ancestor segments of the anchor. This enables NEXT to navigate from the root to the current instance of the anchor segment.

In each segment that it reads, NEXT works its way forward through the segment chain. When no more records are available, the NONEXT condition arises and no more records are retrieved unless the procedure issues a REPOSITION command. REPOSITION causes a reposition to just prior to the beginning of the segment chain. If you are familiar with the SQL language, the NEXT command acts as a combination of the SQL commands SELECT and FETCH, and allows you to use the structure of the data source to your advantage when retrieving data.

Syntax: How to Use the NEXT Command

The syntax of the NEXT command is

[FOR {int|ALL}] NEXT path [INTO stack[(row)]] [WHERE where_expression1 
[AND where_expression2 ...]] [;]



Is a prefix that is used with int or ALL to specify how many data source records are to be retrieved. If FOR is not specified, NEXT works like FOR 1 and the next record is retrieved. If the FOR phrase is used, the INTO phrase must also be used.


Is an integer constant or variable that specifies the number of data source records that are retrieved from the data source. Retrieval starts at the current position in the data source.


Specifies that starting at the current data source position, all data source segments referred to in the field list are examined.


Identifies the path to be read from the data source. To identify a path, specify its anchor and target segments. If the path contains only one segment, the anchor and target are identical, simply specify the segment once. For paths with multiple segments, to make the code clearer to readers, you can also specify segments between the anchor and target.

To specify a segment, provide the name of the segment or of a field within the segment.


Is used with a stack name to specify the name of the stack into which the data source records are copied.


Is the name of the stack that the data source values are placed into. Only one stack can be specified.


Is a subscript that specifies in which row of the stack the data source values are placed. If no subscript is provided, the data is placed in the stack starting with the first row.

where_expression1, where_expression2

Is any valid NEXT WHERE expression. You can use any valid relational expression, described in Relational Expressions. NEXT can also use some enhanced screening conditions not available in other situations. For more information, see Using Selection Logic to Retrieve Rows.


Terminates the command. Although the semicolon is optional, it is recommended that you include it to allow for flexible syntax and better processing. For more information about the benefits of including the semicolon, see Terminating a Command's Syntax.

Reference: Usage Notes for NEXT

  • If an INTO stack is specified, and that stack already exists, new rows are added starting at the row specified. If no stack row number is specified, then data is added starting at the first row. In either case, it is possible that some existing rows may be written over. If a NEXT command causes only some of the rows in a stack to be overwritten, the rest of the stack remains intact. If the subscript provided on the INTO stack is past the end of the existing stack, the intervening rows are initialized to spaces, zeroes (0), or nulls (missing values), as appropriate. If the new stack overwrites some of the rows of the existing stack, only those rows are affected. The rest of the stack remains intact.
  • If no FOR prefix is used and no stack name is supplied, the values retrieved by the NEXT command go into the Current Area.

Reference: Commands Related to NEXT

  • REPOSITION. Changes the data source position to be at the beginning of the chain.
  • MATCH. Searches the entire segment for a matching field value. It retrieves an exact match in the data source.

Copying Data Between Data Sources

You can use the NEXT command to copy data between data sources. It is helpful to copy data between data sources when transaction data is gathered by one application and must be stored for use by another application. It is also helpful when the transaction data is to be applied to the data source at a later time or in a batch environment.

Example: Copying Data to the Movies Data Source

For example, assume that you want to copy data from a fixed-format data source named FilmData into an App Studio data source named Movies. You describe FilmData using the following Master File:


The fields in FilmData have been named identically to those in Movies to establish the correspondence between them in the INCLUDE command that writes the data to Movies.

You can read FilmData into Movies using the following procedure:

FOR ALL NEXT FilmData.MovieCode INTO FilmStack;
FOR ALL INCLUDE Movies.MovieCode FROM FilmStack;

All field names in the procedure are qualified to distinguish between identically-named fields in the input data source (FilmData) and the output data source (Movies).

Loading Multi-Path Transaction Data

To load data from a transaction data source into multiple paths of a data source, you should process each path independently. Use one pair of NEXT and INCLUDE commands per path.

For example, assume that you have a transaction data source named TranFile whose structure is identical to that of the VideoTrk data source.

To load the transaction data from both paths of TranFile into both paths of VideoTrk, you could use the following procedure:

FOR ALL NEXT TranFile.CustID TranFile.ProdCode INTO ProdStack;
FOR ALL NEXT TranFile.CustID TranFile.MovieCode INTO MovieStack;
FOR ALL INCLUDE VideoTrk.CustID VideoTrk.ProdCode FROM ProdStack;
FOR ALL INCLUDE VideoTrk.CustID VideoTrk.MovieCode FROM MovieStack;

Alternatively, if you choose to store each path of transaction data in a separate single-segment transaction data source, the same principles apply. For example, if the two paths of TranFile are stored separately in transaction data sources TranProd and TranMove, the previous procedure would change as highlighted below:

FOR ALL NEXT TranProd.CustID INTO ProdStack;
 INTO MovieStack;
FOR ALL INCLUDE VideoTrk.CustID VideoTrk.ProdCode FROM ProdStack;
FOR ALL INCLUDE VideoTrk.CustID VideoTrk.MovieCode FROM MovieStack;

Retrieving Multiple Rows: The FOR Phrase

The FOR phrase is used to specify the number of data source records that are to be retrieved. As an example, if FOR 10 is used, ten records are retrieved. A subsequent FOR 10 retrieves the next ten records starting from the last position. If an attempt to retrieve ten records only returns seven because the end of the chain is reached, the command retrieves seven records, and the ON NONEXT condition is raised.

The following retrieves the next ten instances of the EmpInfo segment and places them into Stackemp:

FOR 10 NEXT Emp_ID INTO Stackemp;

Using Selection Logic to Retrieve Rows


When you are retrieving rows using the NEXT command, you have the option to restrict the rows you retrieve using the WHERE clause. The syntax for this option is

WHERE operand1 comparison_op1 operand2 
[AND operand3 comparison_op1 operand4 ...]


operand1, operand2, operand3, operand4, ...

Are operands. In each NEXT WHERE expression, one operand must be a data source field, and one must be a valid Maintain Data expression that does not refer to a data source field.

For more information about Maintain Data expressions, see Expressions Reference.

comparison_op1, comparison_op2, ...

Can be any of the comparison operators listed in Logical Operators or any of the comparison operators listed in Comparison Operators. Some comparison operators may be listed in both places. This means that they can be used in a WHERE clause in an enhanced way.

The following example retrieves every instance of the EmpInfo segment that has a department value of MIS:

FOR ALL NEXT Emp_ID INTO EmpStack WHERE Department EQ 'MIS';

Literals can be enclosed in either single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks ("). For example, the following produces exactly the same results as the last example:

FOR ALL NEXT Emp_ID INTO EmpStack WHERE Department EQ "MIS";

The ability to use either single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks (") provides the added flexibility of being able to use either single quotation marks (') or double quotation marks (") in text. For example:


This example starts at the beginning of the segment chain and searches for all employees that are in the MIS department. All retrieved segment instances are copied into a stack:

FOR ALL NEXT Emp_ID INTO Misdept WHERE Department EQ 'MIS';

After FOR ALL NEXT is processed, you are positioned at the end of the segment chain. Therefore, before issuing an additional NEXT command on the same segment chain, you should issue a REPOSITION command to be positioned prior to the first instance in the segment chain.

Reference: Comparison Operators


Select data source values using wildcard characters (you embed the wildcards in a character constant in the non-data source operand). You can use dollar sign wildcards ($) throughout the constant to signify that any character is acceptable in the corresponding position of the data source value.

To allow any value of any length at the end of the data source value, you can combine a dollar sign wildcard with an asterisk ($*) at the end of the constant.

For example:

WHERE ZipCode IS '112$$'

Select data source values that contain or omit a character string stored in a variable.

For example, the following returns all data where the word BANK is part of the bank name:

COMPUTE name/A4 = 'BANK';
FOR ALL NEXT bank_code 
bank_name into stackname
 WHERE bank_name CONTAINS name;

The following returns all data where the bank name does not include the word BANK:

COMPUTE name/A4 = 'BANK';
FOR ALL NEXT bank_code 
bank_name into stackname
 WHERE bank_name OMITS name;

Selects data source values that are greater than a numeric value.

For example:

 WHERE TOTAL Curr_sal EXCEEDS 110000
IN (list), NOT_IN (list)

Select data source values that are in or not in a list. IN and NOT_IN can be used with all data types.

For example, the following returns all data where the bank name is not in the list:

FOR ALL NEXT emp_id bank_name INTO stackname
WHERE bank_name NOT_IN 

Select data source values that match or do not match a mask.

Use the $ sign to replace each letter in the value. Masks can only be used with alphanumeric data. The masked value may be hard coded or a variable.

For example, the following returns all data where the bank code starts with AAA and has any character at the end:

COMPUTE code/A4='AAA$';
FOR ALL NEXT bank_name 
INTO stackname 
WHERE bank_code EQ_Mask code;

The following returns all data where the bank code does not match the mask:

COMPUTE code/A4='AAA$';
FOR ALL NEXT bank_name 
INTO Stackname
WHERE bank_code NE_Mask code;

Using NEXT After a MATCH

NEXT can also be used in conjunction with the MATCH command. This example issues a MATCH for employee ID. If there is not a match, a message displays. If there is a match, all the instances of the child segment for that employee are retrieved and placed in the stack Stackemp. The NEXT command can be coded as part of an ON MATCH condition, but it is not required, as the NEXT will only retrieve data based on the current position of higher-level segments.

   TYPE "The employee ID is not in the data source.";
   GOTO Getmore;
FOR ALL NEXT Dat_Inc INTO Stackemp;

Using NEXT for Data Source Navigation: Overview

The segments that NEXT operates on are determined by the fields mentioned in the NEXT command. The list of fields is used to determine the anchor segment (the segment closest to the root) and the target segment (the segment furthest from the root). Every segment starting with the anchor and ending with the target make up the scope of the NEXT command, including segments not mentioned in the NEXT command. Both the target and the anchor must be in one data source path.

NEXT does not retrieve outside the scope of the anchor and target segment. All segments not referenced remain constant, which is why NEXT can be used as a get next within parent (GNP).

As an example, look at a partial view of the Employee data source:

Partial view of Example data source image

If a NEXT command has SalInfo as the anchor segment and the target is the Deduct segment, it also needs to retrieve data for the EmpInfo segment, which is the parent of the SalInfo segment based on its current position. The position for the EmpInfo segment can be established by either a prior MATCH or NEXT command. If no position has been established for the EmpInfo segment, an error occurs.

You can use the NEXT command for:

Data Source Navigation: Using NEXT With One Segment

If a NEXT references only one segment and has no WHERE phrase or FOR prefix, it always moves forward one instance within that segment. If the segment is not the root, all parent segments must have a position in the data source and only those instances descending from those parents are examined and potentially retrieved. The NEXT command starts at the current position within the segment, and each time the command is encountered, it moves forward one instance. If a prior position has not been established within the segment (no prior NEXT, MATCH, or REPOSITION command has been issued), the NEXT retrieves the first instance.

The following command references the root segment, so there is no parent segment in which to have a position:


The following command refers to a child segment, so the parents to this segment must already have a position and that position does not change during the NEXT operation:

NEXT Pay_Date;

If the NEXT command uses the FOR prefix, it works the same as described above, but rather than moving forward only one data source instance, it moves forward as many rows as the FOR specifies. The following retrieves the next three instances of the EmpInfo segment:


If a FOR prefix is used, an INTO stack must be specified. However, an INTO stack can be specified without the FOR prefix.

If a WHERE phrase is specified and there is no FOR prefix, the NEXT moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve one row that satisfies the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase. The following retrieves the next employee in the MIS department:

NEXT Emp_ID WHERE Department EQ 'MIS';

If the NEXT command does not have an INTO stack name, the output of the NEXT (the value of all of the fields in the segment instance) goes into the Current Area. If an INTO stack is specified, the output goes into the stack named in the command. If more than one row is retrieved by using a FOR prefix, the number of rows specified in the FOR are placed in the stack. If the INTO stack specifies a row number (for example, INTO Mystack(10)), then the rows are added to the stack starting with that row number. If the INTO stack does not specify a row number, the rows are added to the stack starting at the first row.

The following retrieves all of the fields from the next instance in the segment that Emp_ID is in and places the output into the first row of the Stemp stack:


If the NEXT command has both a WHERE phrase and a FOR prefix, it moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve the number of rows specified in the FOR phrase that satisfies the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase. The following retrieves the next three employees in the MIS department and places the output into the stack called Stemp:

FOR 3 NEXT Emp_ID INTO Stemp WHERE Department EQ 'MIS';

If there were not as many rows retrieved as you specified in the FOR prefix, you can determine how many rows were actually retrieved by checking the FocCount variable of the target stack.

Data Source Navigation: Using NEXT With Multiple Segments

If a NEXT command references more than one segment, each time the command is executed it moves forward within the target (the lowest-level child segment). Once the target no longer has any more instances, the next NEXT moves forward on the parent of the target and repositions itself at the beginning of the chain of the child. In the following example, the REPOSITION command changes the position of EmpInfo to the beginning of the data source (EmpInfo is in the root). The first NEXT command finds the first instance of both segments. When the second NEXT is executed, what happens depends on whether there is another instance of the SalInfo segment, because the NEXT command does not retrieve short path instances (that is, it does not retrieve path instances that are missing descendant segments). If there is another instance, the second NEXT moves forward one instance in the SalInfo segment. If there is only one instance in the SalInfo segment for the employee retrieved in the first NEXT, the second NEXT moves forward one instance in the EmpInfo segment. When this happens, the SalInfo segment is positioned at the beginning of the chain and the first SalInfo instance is retrieved. If there is no instance of SalInfo, the NEXT command retrieves the next record that has a SalInfo segment instance.

NEXT Emp_ID Pay_Date;
NEXT Emp_ID Pay_Date;

When there is a possibility of short paths, and the intention is to retrieve the data from the parent even if there is no data for the child, NEXT should be used on one segment at a time, as described in Data Source Navigation: NEXT Following NEXT or MATCH. If a NEXT command uses the FOR n prefix, it works the same as described above, but rather than moving forward only one data source instance, it moves forward as many records as are required to retrieve the number specified in the FOR prefix.

For instance, the following command retrieves the next five instances of the EmpInfo and SalInfo segments and places the output into the Stemp stack. The five records may or may not all have the same EmpInfo segment:

FOR 5 NEXT Emp_ID Dat_Inc INTO Stemp;

If the data source is populated as follows,

Populated data source example

all of the fields from the following segment instances are added to the stack:

  1. EMP_ID 071382660, DAT_INC 820101
  2. EMP_ID 071382660, DAT_INC 810101
  3. EMP_ID 112847612, DAT_INC 820101
  4. EMP_ID 117593129, DAT_INC 820601
  5. EMP_ID 117593129, DAT_INC 820501

If a WHERE phrase is specified, the NEXT moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve one record that satisfies the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase. For example, the following retrieves the next record where the child segment has the field Gross greater than 1,000:

NEXT Emp_ID Pay_Date WHERE Gross GT 1000;

If both a WHERE phrase and a FOR prefix are specified, the NEXT moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve the number specified in the FOR prefix that satisfies the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase. For instance, the following retrieves all of the records where the Gross field is greater than 1,000. As stated above, if more than one segment is mentioned and there is a FOR prefix, the data retrieved may come from more than one employee:

FOR ALL NEXT Emp_ID Pay_Date INTO Stemp WHERE Gross GT 1000;

If the NEXT command does not have an INTO stack name provided, the output of the NEXT is copied into the Current Area. If an INTO stack is specified, the output is copied into the stack named in the command. The number of records retrieved is the number that is placed in the stack. If the INTO stack specifies a row number (for example, INTO Mystack(10)) then the records are added to the stack starting at the row number. If the INTO stack does not specify a row number, the rows are added to the stack starting with the first row in the stack. If data already exists in any of the rows, those rows are cleared and replaced with the new values.

If the NEXT command can potentially retrieve more than one record (the FOR prefix is used), an INTO stack must be specified. If no stack is provided, a message displays and the procedure terminates.

Data Source Navigation: Using NEXT Following NEXT or MATCH

In order to use NEXT through several segments, specify all the segments in one NEXT command or use several NEXT commands. If all of the segments are placed into one NEXT command, there is no way to know when data is retrieved from a parent segment and when it is retrieved from a child. To have control over when each segment is retrieved, each segment should have a NEXT command of its own. In this way, the first NEXT establishes the position for the second NEXT.

A NEXT command following a MATCH command works in a similar way. The first command (MATCH) establishes the data source position.

In the following example, the REPOSITION command places the position in the EmpInfo segment and all of its children to the beginning of the chain. Both NEXT commands move forward to the first instance in the appropriate segment:

NEXT Pay_Date;

If one of the NEXT commands uses the FOR prefix, it works the same as described above, but rather than moving forward only one segment instance, NEXT moves forward however many records the FOR specifies. For example, the following retrieves the first instance in the EmpInfo segment and the next three instances of the SalInfo segment. All three records are for only one employee because the first NEXT establishes the position:

FOR 3 NEXT Pay_Date INTO Stemp;

After this code is executed, the stack contains data from the following segments:

  1. Emp_ID instance 1 and Pay_Date instance 1
  2. Emp_ID instance 1 and Pay_Date instance 2
  3. Emp_ID instance 1 and Pay_Date instance 3

Every NEXT command that uses a FOR prefix does so independent of any other NEXT command. If there are two NEXT commands, the first executes. When it is complete, the position is the last instance retrieved. The second NEXT command then executes and retrieves data from within the parent established by the first NEXT. In the following example, the first NEXT retrieves the first two instances from the EmpInfo segment and places the instances into the stack. The second NEXT retrieves the next three instances of the SalInfo segment. Note its parent instance is the second EmpInfo segment instance. The stack variable FocCount indicates the number of rows currently in the stack. The prefix Stemp is needed to indicate the stack.

FOR 2 NEXT Emp_ID INTO Stemp(1);
FOR 3 NEXT Pay_Date INTO Stemp(Stemp.FocCount);

The stack contains data from the following segments after the first NEXT is executed:

  1. Emp_ID instance 1
  2. Emp_ID instance 2

The stack contains data from the following segments after the second NEXT is executed:

  1. Emp_ID instance 1
  2. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 1
  3. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 2
  4. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 3

The row in the INTO stack that the output is placed in is specified by supplying the row number after the stack name. When two NEXT commands are used in a row for the same stack, care must be taken to ensure that data is written to the appropriate row in the stack. If a stack row number is not specified for the second NEXT command, data is placed into the last row written to by the first NEXT, and existing data is overwritten. In order to place data in a different row, a row number or an expression to calculate the row number can be used. For example, the second NEXT command specifies the row after the last row by adding one to the variable FocCount:

FOR 2 NEXT Emp_ID INTO Stemp(1);
FOR 3 NEXT Pay_Date INTO Stemp(Stemp.FocCount+1);

The stack now appears as follows. Notice that there is a new row 2:

  1. Emp_ID instance 1
  2. Emp_ID instance 2
  3. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 1
  4. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 2
  5. Emp_ID instance 2 and Pay_Date instance 3

If a WHERE phrase is specified, the NEXT moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve one record that satisfies the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase. For instance, the following retrieves the next record where the Gross field of the child segment is greater than 1,000. Like the previous example, the data retrieved is only for the employee that the first NEXT retrieves:

NEXT Pay_Date WHERE Gross GT 1000;

If both a FOR prefix and a WHERE phrase are specified, the NEXT moves forward as many times as necessary to retrieve the number of records specified in the FOR prefix that satisfy the selection criteria specified in the WHERE phrase.

For example, the following syntax retrieves the next three records where the Gross field of the child segment is greater than 1,000. As above, the data retrieved is only for the employee that the first NEXT retrieves:

FOR 3 NEXT Pay_Date INTO Stemp WHERE Gross GT 1000;

Unique Segments

Maintain Data allows separate segments to be joined in a one-to-one relation (among other ways). Unique segments are indicated by specifying a SEGTYPE of U, KU, or DKU in the Master File, or by issuing a JOIN command. In a NEXT command, you retrieve a unique segment by specifying a field from the segment in the field list of the command. You cannot specify the unique segment as an anchor segment.

If an attempt is made to retrieve data from a unique segment and the segment does not exist, the fields are treated as if they are fields in the parent segment. This means that the returned data is spaces, zeroes (0), and/or nulls (missing values), depending on how the segment is defined. In addition, the answer set contains as many rows as the parent of the unique segment. If an UPDATE or a DELETE command subsequently uses the data in the stack and the unique segment does not exist, it is not an error, because unique segments are treated as if the fields are fields in the parent. If an INCLUDE is issued, the data source is not updated.