Documentation Satisfaction Survey
Please help us improve our product documentation by completing this short survey.
Which TIBCO product do you mainly use?
Please specify the version(s) of the product for which you want to provide feedback:
Based on your choice of product and version, please select one or more answers for each of the following questions:
What is your preferred way of reading the documentation?
Directly from documentation site
Download documents and read locally
Which formats of our documentation do you currently use?
Web Help
What improvements do you expect in the Web Help output?
Search Auto-Completion:
Keywords and documentation titles are displayed while you are typing in the search text box.
Show/Hide Toggle:
Show or hide content on a page to prevent from clicking through to a new page to find information or to avoid reloading the page.
Interactive Diagrams (
TIBCO MDM has interactive diagrams.)
Additional details
Which navigation aids do you use to locate information in TIBCO documentation?
Search box
Table of Contents
Figures list
Tables list
Additional details
Do you feel the information included in the documentation is complete and technically accurate?
Yes, complete
Yes, technically accurate
No, needs more configuration examples/use cases
No, needs more screenshots
No, needs more illustrations/conceptual diagrams
No, needs FAQs
Additional details
What improvements would you like to see in Videos?
Background music
Voice clarity
Videos for more complex information
Time duration
Speed/pace of the video
Additional details
What topics or areas in the official TIBCO product documentation need to be improved?
Additional Comments