JasperReports® Server, Jaspersoft® Studio, JasperReports® IO, JasperReports® Library

An integrated reporting platform for creating, distributing, and managing reports and dashboards

Jaspersoft® offers a suite of integrated products that provide all of the functionality required to deliver production reporting and embedded reporting solutions that your business and customers love.

Developers use Jaspersoft® to design data visualizations exactly how they like. Down to the pixel. 

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JasperReports® Server

The JasperReports® Server standalone and embeddable BI platform enables scheduled or real-time delivery of mission-critical information for your business and customers. It is the hub of the Jaspersoft® business intelligence suite, providing a wide range of functionality for designing, distributing, and securely managing reports, dashboards, and visualizations.

Learn more about JasperReports® Server.

Jaspersoft® Studio

Jaspersoft® Studio is a powerful desktop report designer for developing data visualizations and full-fledged reports. Featuring the industry’s most advanced design environment, it enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports and data visualizations.

Learn more about Jaspersoft® Studio.

JasperReports® Web Studio

JasperReports® Web Studio is the web-based version of Jaspersoft® Studio. It is a powerful web report designer for producing dynamic content, rich data visualizations and templates using the open-source library of the entire Jaspersoft® suite of products.

Learn more about JasperReports® Web Studio.

JasperReports® Library

The JasperReports® Library is the core of Jaspersoft software. It is the engine that takes raw data and turns it into beautifully rendered reports and data visualizations. JasperReports Library software is available standalone, and also comes embedded inside Jaspersoft® Studio and JasperReports® Server software.

Learn more about JasperReports® Library.

JasperReports® IO

The JasperReports® IO is a next-generation reporting engine designed for modern cloud and microservices architectures. Generate reports and visualizations that are fast, highly interactive, and seamlessly embeddable into modern web applications—all powered by a container-ready, RESTful service that can be leveraged by any developer.

Learn more about JasperReports® IO.

Jaspersoft® embedded analytics software is the most flexible, customizable, and developer-friendly BI platform in the world. Design, embed, and manage reports & analytics with programmatic control.

Learn more about Jaspersoft® Products.

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Jaspersoft® provides annual subscription options for commercial customers and Jaspersoft® Community users. Whether you are trying Jaspersoft® for the first time, or deploying a mission-critical business intelligence application, we have a plan that meets your needs and budget.

Similar subscription options are available for OEM / ISV customers wishing to embed Jaspersoft® into their own products. Contact Jaspersoft® Support for details and pricing.

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