Enabling Process Monitoring

Process monitoring can be configured from the bwagent_as.json, bwagent_db.json, or bwagent_ftl.json files, set the property statsprovider to true to enable process monitoring.

You can use same or different databases for process monitoring.

Process Monitoring

The transport layers communicate between the bwagent and the AppNode, and the supported transport layers are UDP and FTL. Set the statstransport property to UDP. This is the default setting in the agent and the AppNode.

The statstransport property is also added to the AppNode config file when the AppNode is created. For more information about UDP and FTL configurations, see Configuring using UDP and Configuring using FTL respectively.

To access the process monitoring landing page, go to the Application Level 2 page, navigate to the Process tab, click the Graph View icon and click the Process Instance icon . You can also use the shortcut key Shift + P to navigate to the process monitoring landing page directly.

All the instances, processes and subprocesses of the selected application are displayed on the landing page.

You can begin monitoring your process instances once you enable the Process Instance icon after deploying the application.

By default, all the instances in the selected process are displayed. Subprocesses, if any, can be viewed by expanding the process.
Note: Double click navigation is supported up to 9 subprocesses, and will only work for direct subprocesses. Service subprocesses are not supported.

In the above example, click the process Books. Job data releated to the Books process is displayed in a tabular form, and the process diagram of the process is also displayed.

Additional Features

In the Admin UI the following details are displayed in the default view.

  • Instance Id - displays all the (instance ids of the) process instances.
  • DurationTime (ms) - displays the total time taken to execute the process instance (in milliseconds)
  • EndTime- time when the process instance ended.

The columns displayed in the default view can also be customized to display additional information about the process instances. Use the Select Columns filter to add the columns, AppNodes, StartTime, and DurationTime (ms).

The other filters provided in Admin UI are:
  • Date filters - Job data can be filtered for a particular date or a time range. Alternatively, the Calendar icon filters and displays job data for Last Month and Today.
  • Job Status filters - Job data can be filtered based on their completion status. Select the icon to filter the jobs that were completed. The icon, displays only the jobs that were cancelled and filters the jobs that faulted.
  • Search Input/Output Data - This filter searches thorough the input and output data and displays the required information.
  • Filter - This filter searches through the instances that are displayed for any specific value provided in this filter text box.

Navigating through the UI

To navigate through the Domain quickly, the Admin UI also provides breadcrumb navigation. The Domain link in the breadcrumb navigation, Domain/ AppSpaces/ Application navigates to the page where all the applications within the domain are dispalyed. The AppSpace link navigates to the AppSpace level 2 > Application tab, and the Application link navigates to the page where all the application instances for all the processes are displayed.

The process diagram and activity details for each process instance is displayed in the extreme right panel. Click the process instance in the second panel, and the process diagram for that instance is displayed. The executed transitions and flow is displayed. The Details tab, Configuration, Input Data and Output Data tabs contain the configuration, input and output details of the process instance.

Selecting any instance from the table highlights the reference or service, if any, and also highlights in green, the activity transitions that were successfully executed.

Note: When a process contains multiple constructors, the activities and transitions in the constructor are not visible in the Admin UI when the constructor is minimized while creating the EAR file. Expand the constructors and regenerate the EAR file to view the transitions inside constructors.

Fix any ActivityID related warnings displayed in Studio , and then create the EAR file to ensure the plotting and Input and Output data is displayed correctly.

The process monitoring for cancelled jobs displays the successful transctions in green up until the point where the process was successfully executed.

Processes that faulted due to errors are highlighted in red.

In the image above, the Ouput Data tab displays the error due to which the process faulted.