Setting Up TIBCO FTL® for BWAgent Transport

Follow these instructions to set up TIBCO FTL for BWAgent transport.

Important: Note the following items:
  • Refer to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ readme for the version of TIBCO FTL that is supported with the version of ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 6.x you are using.
  • If you are installing TIBCO FTL after you have already installed ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, set the tibco.env.FTL_HOME variable in the bwcommon.tra file. You can find this file in the bin folder at BW_HOME\bin for Windows, or ${BW_HOME}/bin for Unix.
  • Ensure you have installed FTL client libraries. For more information, see Integrating with TIBCO FTL.


  1. Install TIBCO FTL. For more information, see the TIBCO FTL® Installation guide.
  2. Start the FTL Realm server by executing the ./tibrealmserver -ht <hostIP>:<port> FTL command.
    ./tibrealmserver -ht <hostIP>:<port>
  3. To populate data in the bwadmin_ftlrealmserver.json template file, located in the BW_HOME/config folder, execute the following FTL command:
    For FTL 5.x,
     ./tibrealmadmin -rs <realmserverurl> -ur <PATH of bwadmin_ftl_realmserver.json>

    For FTL 6.x,

     ./tibftlmadmin --ftlserver <realmserverurl> -ur <PATH of bwadmin_ftl_realmserver.json>
  4. Optional. If you are upgrading from ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.4.x/6.5.x/6.6.x to ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.7.0, and you use FTL, use the bwadmin_ftlrealmserver.json_orig file.


Tip: For instructions on how to configure an FTL backup server for high availability, see "Configuring Backup Realm Servers for Fault Tolerance" in TIBCO FTL® Administration.