
Returns the status of an invoke result at a specified index position in a specified invoke result list.


tibas_status tibasInvokeResultList_GetStatus(
    tibasInvokeResultList resultList,
    tibas_status* status,
    tibas_int index)


Parameter Description
resultList Specifies the result list for which to get status.
status Returns the status for the result.
index Specifies the index position for which to return a status.


Use the tibasInvokeResult_GetStatus() function to return the status of a result from a call to an application function made using the tibasSpace_InvokeMembers(), tibasSpace_InvokeRemoteMembers(), or tibasSpace_InvokeSeeders() function. The function allows you to specify the index position in the InvokeResult list returned by these functions.

If the status is OK, returns TIBAS_OK; otherwise, returns a status code indicating an error.