
The tibas_status enumerated type represents the return codes used by TIBCO ActiveSpaces functions.


typedef enum _tibas_status {
    TIBAS_OK                            = 0,
    TIBAS_ALREADY_EXISTS                = 2,
    TIBAS_LOCKED                        = 3,
    TIBAS_MISMATCHED_LOCK               = 4,
    TIBAS_INCOMPATIBLE_TUPLE            = 5,
    TIBAS_MISMATCHED_TUPLE              = 6,
    TIBAS_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE             = 7,
    TIBAS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED                = 8,
    TIBAS_REMOTE_ERROR                  = 100
    TIBAS_SYS_ERROR                     = 256,
    TIBAS_INVALID_ARG                   = 257,
} tibas_status;


Values Type Description
TIBAS_OK no error The operation was successful and an entry was found.
TIBAS_ALREADY_EXISTS error The operation failed because updating from null occurred, because there is currently an entry in the space for the requested key field(s) value(s).
TIBAS_LOCKED error The operation failed because the entry was already locked by another thread or process (depending on the LockScope).
TIBAS_MISMATCHED_LOCK error The lock expired in the space and another member already locked the entry.
TIBAS_INCOMPATIBLE_TUPLE error The operation failed because the name of a field contained in the tuple is incompatible with the space definition.
TIBAS_MISMATCHED_TUPLE error The operation failed because the tuple is incompatible with the space definition.
TIBAS_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE severe error The operation failed because two data types involved in an operation are incompatible
TIBAS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error The operation failed because a predefined limit on the space, such as capacity, has been exceeded.
TIBAS_INVALID_ARG severe error The operation failed because an invalid argument was passed to an operation.
TIBAS_SYS_ERROR severe error The operation failed because of a system error.