
Sets the discovery attribute of the specified MemberDef object.


tibas_status tibasMemberDef_SetDiscovery
     (tibasMemberDef memberDef,
      const char*    discovery)


Parameter Description
memberDef The memberDef for which you want to set the discovery attribute.
discovery The discovery attribute set by the function.


Use the tibasMemberDef_SetDiscovery() function to set the discovery attribute for a specified MemberDef.

The discovery attribute specifies the discovery protocol and URL used to discover the other members of the metaspace on the network.

You can use one of the following discovery protocols:

PGM (Pragmatic General Multicast) Discovery
A reliable multicast protocol based on RFC 32 that provides ordered or unordered, duplicate-free, multicast data.

For information on the URL format for PGM, see the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide.

Note: PGM is the recommended discovery method.
TCP Discovery
When usage of multicast discovery is not desirable or possible, pure TCP discovery can be used. In this case, a number of metaspace members are designated as the “well known” members of the metaspace, and all metaspace members must specify this exact same list of well known members in their discovery URL

For information on the URL format for PGM, see the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide.

Note: All members of a metaspace must use compatible discovery URLs. If two metaspace members attempt to connect to the same metaspace using different discovery protocols, two different metaspaces are created and the two members are in different metaspaces.