
Public classASCommon
Provides common functions
Public classASException
Exceptions used in ActiveSpaces
Public classASPersistenceException
Used for exception with AS persistence
Public classASRemoteException
Used for exception with AS remote invocation
Public classASRouterException
Used for exception with AS persistence
Public classFieldDef
Describes the attributes of the fields that a Tuple stored inside a Space should conform to. Each field has a name and a type. Fields may also have additional attributes such as whether the field is Key or Nullable. Multiple fields can be marked as isKey.
Public classFileLogOptions
File logging options
Public classGetOptions
Options for the get operation
Public classIndexDef
Representation of the Index Definition
Public classInvokeOptions
The Invoke Options class
Public classKeyDef
Represents the key definition
Public classLockOptions
Options for lock operations
Public classMember
Any ActiveSpaces Application or Agent which connects to a Metaspace or joins a Space is referred to as a member.
Public classMemberDef
MemberDef object represents how Activespaces makes connection to a metaspace.
Public classMetaspace
Metaspace represents both an administrative collection of Space(system and user spaces) and the collection of Member (ActiveSpaces applications and Agents) working collaboratively to implement those Spaces.
Public classPutOptions
Options for Put operations
Public classRecoveryOptions
Options for recovery operations
Public classSpaceDef
Represents the attributes of a Space. Can be used to define a Space.
Public classSpaceMemberDef Obsolete.
Space member definition
Public classTakeOptions
Options for Take operations
Public classTuple
Tuple stores data and consists of fields.
Public classUnlockOptions
Options for the unlock operation


Public interfaceContext
A context that can be transferred across AS clients
Public interfaceResult
The interface of result for operation on Space
Public interfaceResultHandler
The base class for all async result handlers
Public interfaceResultList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A list of results
Public interfaceSpace
Space is a virtual storage area for entries.
Public interfaceSpaceOptions
The base for all the Options classes
Public interfaceSpaceResult
Represents the result of operation on a Space
Public interfaceSpaceResultList
A list contains SpaceResult
Public interfaceStat
The stat object that is returned from the get statistics
Public interfaceTransactionId
The transaction id


Public enumerationASStatus
Representation of internal error codes as status code
Public enumerationDistributionRole
Distribution role
Public enumerationFieldDef..::..FieldType
field type
Public enumerationIndexDef..::..IndexType
Index type
Public enumerationLogLevel
LogLevel for the application
Public enumerationManagementRole
Management role
Public enumerationRecoveryOptions..::..RecoveryPolicy
Recovery policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..CachePolicy
Cache policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..DistributionPolicy
Space distribution policies
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..EvictionPolicy
Eviction policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..InsertionOrdering
Insertion ordering
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..InsertionPolicy
Insertion policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..LoadPolicy
Load policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..LockScope
Lock scope values
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..PersistencePolicy
Persistence policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..PersistenceType
Persistence type
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..ReplicationPolicy
Replication policy
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..SpaceState
Space state
Public enumerationSpaceDef..::..UpdateTransport
Transport to use to send Update messages