Metaspace represents both an administrative collection of Space(system and user spaces)
and the collection of Member (ActiveSpaces applications and Agents) working collaboratively
to implement those Spaces.
Namespace: Com.Tibco.As.SpaceAssembly: TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common (in TIBCO.ActiveSpaces.Common.dll) Version: (
C# |
public abstract class Metaspace |
Visual Basic |
Public MustInherit Class Metaspace |
Visual C++ |
public ref class Metaspace abstract |
F# |
[<AbstractClassAttribute>] type Metaspace = class end |
A Metaspace instance has a name and a set of transport arguments
associated with it. Multiple independent Metaspace instances can be created in the same
ActiveSpaces application.
A valid Metaspace name must conform to the following rules:
- Cannot start with a '$' or '_'
- Can contain alphanumeric characters and '-' or '_'