The MemberDef type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthenticationCallback
The callback that was supplied while setting up the security for the member
Public propertyClientTimeout
Gets or sets the client timeout
Public propertyClusterSuspendThreshold
Gets or sets the cluster suspend threshold
Public propertyConnectTimeout
Gets or sets the connect timeout
Public propertyContext
Gets or sets the context.
Public propertyDataStore
Get and set the data store
Public propertyDiscovery
Get and set the discovery attribute
Public propertyIdentityPassword
Set the identity password for a token or a policy's security domain if the identity is encrypted. In case, the identity has not been encrypted, no password needs to be set and any password set, will be ignored.
Public propertyIsSecure
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is secure.
Public propertyListen
Get and set the listen attribute
Public propertyMemberName
Get and set the Member name attribute
Public propertyMemberTimeout
Gets or sets the member timeout.
Public propertyProcessName
Get and set the Process name attribute
Public propertyRemoteDiscovery
Get and set the remote discovery attribute
Public propertyRemoteListen
Get and set the remote listen attribute
Public propertySecurityPolicyFile
The security domain policy file location
Public propertySecurityTokenFile
The security domain token file location
Public propertyTimeout Obsolete.
Gets or sets the timeout.
Public propertyTransportThreadCount
Gets or sets the transport thread count.
Public propertyWorkerThreadCount
Gets or sets the worker thread count.

See Also