
Reallocate a work item to a different resource and update the work item with new data.

  • The request must specify the work item and the data that should be reallocated, and the resource to whom it is to be reallocated.
  • The response returns details of the reallocated work item.
  • Note that the system actions held by the caller restrict the users to whom a work item can be reallocated— see below. Also, to reallocate a work item to the original offer set, the work item must have a state of Offered, Allocated, or Pended; to reallocate a work item to the "the world", the work item must have a state of Allocated or Pended.
Action ReAllocateWorkItem
Parameter Notes
  • userId: the user ID (GUID) of the user opening the work item.
  • item: the work item to reallocate. This can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList.
Return VoidResult

Required System Actions

  • reallocateToOfferSet - This system action allows you to reallocate work items to only the users in the original offer set.
  • reallocateWorkItemToWorld - This system action allows you to reallocate work items to any user in the organization model.