
This topic describes the data passed in the payload for PageBus event, com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventSelected.

Data in the PageBus event:

topic: The PageBus topic for the event -- see Non-WCC Components Publishing Events.
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventSelected"
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                       "links": These define the links available from the event
                           viewer for the type of event selected, identified by the
                           messageId. These are defined in the appropriate
                           eventLinks.xml file. See the Configuring Events chapter
                           in the Workspace Configuration and Customization guide.
                       "messageId": Identifies the type of event selected.
Note - The remainder of the properties in this event message correlate to the attributes available in the event. Attributes vary, depending on the event type. To view the properties for a particular event type, view the event in the PageBus Event Monitor component -- see Viewing Triggered Events using the PageBus Event Monitor Component.


topic: com.tibco.wcc.order.wccPrototype.wccBusinessServices.listItemSelect
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventSelected"
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                       "links": "<data jsxid=\"jsxroot\"><record jsximg=\"JSXAPPS/ 
                          base/application/images/WorkView.gif\" descriptionType=
                          \"summary\" defaultFilterId=\"Summary\" jsxtext=\"This
                          "severityImage": "JSXAPPS/base/application/images/
                          "correlationId": "bad15673-f3af-43bc-b42f-20c24c419a6e",
                          "creationTime": "2010-10-18 10:28:46",
                          "rawEventTimestamp": "2010-10-18T18:28:46.660+01:00",
                          "message": "Process Instance started.",
                          "detail": "Started instance of SalesCallbackProcess
                               (ID:pvm:0a123, version: priority
                               is NORMAL",
                          "summary": "Started instance pvm:0a123 of
                               SalesCallbackProcess priority is NORMAL",
                          "messageId": "BX_INSTANCE_PROCESS_STARTED",