General Tab

The Properties view for controls contains a General tab. This tab contains general properties for the object currently selected in the Canvas

Warning: When panes and controls are marked as disabled or invisible, the data normally displayed by these elements are still delivered to the browser. Therefore, making panes and controls disabled or invisible should not be used as a mechanism to protect sensitive data.


General Tab Fields
Property Description
Name Name of the control. Used in scripts to refer to the control.

The Rename button allows you to change the name using the Enter the Name dialog. The Name field only appears when the Solutions Design mode is active.

Label Text that appears next to the control. The value of the label can be bound to an input parameter so that the control can be dynamically labeled at runtime. Labels can be localized.

This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.

Control Type A drop-down list showing the type of the control. Allows you to select another type. If the object is a Date control, for instance, this field can be used to change it to a Time or DateTime control.
Style Class Names Specify a CSS class to be used for styling at the control level.
Hint Text that provides a hint to help you complete the form correctly. For controls, the hint appears just beneath the control. Text for a hint can be mapped to the value of a parameter. Hints can be localized.

This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.

Value At runtime, it is the value with which a control is initialized. Value is not supported for Hyperlink and Image controls.

This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.

Label Visibility Whether the label for the control can be seen on the form. Values can be Inherit, Visible, or not visible (neither check box selected).
Visible Determines whether the control is visible to you. This field can be bound to a parameter value, or its value can be set at runtime by an Action script, based on an event.

This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.

Enabled Determines whether you can update the value of the control.

This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.

Required Indicates whether you must provide a value for this control in order for the form to be successfully validated. At runtime, required fields are preceded by an asterisk, to indicate that the field is required. If you do not provide a value for a control that is required, the form cannot be submitted. This property is bindable. See Setting Bindings and Setting Rules for more details.
Tab Index Determines the position of the element in the tabbing order for the form. The tabbing order determines the order in which elements on the form receive focus when the tab key is used to navigate from one element to another. This attribute is valid for all controls except Image and Label controls, where focus is irrelevant. See Tabbing Navigation, page 287 , for more details.
Tabbing Navigation
The Tab Index attribute can be used to determine the order in which elements receive focus as you navigate from field to field through a form with the tab key. The tabbing navigation behavior for a form is as follows:
  1. Those elements on the form that support the Tab Index attribute, and assign a positive value to it, are navigated first. Navigation proceeds from the element with the lowest Tab Index value to the element with the highest value. Values need not be sequential, nor must they begin with any particular value. Elements that have identical Tab Index values are navigated in the order in which they appear on the form.
  2. Those elements that do not support the Tab Index attribute, or support it and assign it a value of “0,” are navigated next. These elements are navigated in the order in which they appear in the Outline view.