Generation of Hawk Rulebases from the Command Line

The command line utility genhawkrulebase is provided to generate the Hawk rulebases in circumstances where the TCT does not do so.

You should use genhawkrulebase in the following circumstances:

  • After an upgrade.
  • After replicating a second or subsequent ActiveMatrix system node.
  • After adding any other new node if the sample rulebases have not been created.

The utility is a batch file (on Windows systems) or script (on UNIX). It uses the same functionality as at installation, to generate the rulebases in the same location as specified in Rulebase Files. The utility is found at the following location:

  • Windows: TIBCO_HOME\bpm\version\bin\genhawkrulebase.bat
  • UNIX: TIBCO_HOME/bpm/version/bin/genhawkrulebase

Run the utility as follows:

genhawkrulebase -nodeName node -tibcoConfigHome folder [-machineName host] [-systemNode]


-nodeName node = The name of the system node or BPM node for which Hawk rulebases are to be generated.
-tibcoConfigHome folder = The CONFIG_HOME folder.
-machineName host = The name of the machine on which the ActiveMatrix BPM nodes are running. This is optional.
-systemNode = This is optional. If specified, it indicates that -nodeName node is a System node. If not, it is assumed to be a BPM node.

The genhawkrulebase utility generates Hawk rulebases from templates for the specified node and host instance folder. By default it assumes that the name of the machine the utility itself is being run on is where the nodes will be running. You can override this if required by using the -machineName parameter.