Maximum Number of Tasks Allowed Has Been Reached

It is possible for a runaway process to generate a very large number of tasks within a single instance, resulting in a large number of EC events for the instance, as well as a large number of rows in the PVM database tables for the instance.

If this occurs, the following is written to the BPM log file.

[WARN] - {MAX_TASKS_PER_INSTANCE_REACHED} - Instance [pvm:xxxxx] has reached the maximum number of tasks allowed: [1,000].

And the following audit message is generated:

BX_INSTANCE_PROCESS_MAX_TASKS_REACHED  Maximum number of tasks per instance reached.

This issue can be resolved by adding the com.tibco.bx.maxTasksPerInstance JVM property and setting it to an appropriate value. For more information, see "Configuring the Maximum Number of Tasks per Process Instance" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Performance Tuning Guide.