Creating Language Packs

You can create your own localization resources by creating the message property files that represent your components and translating the key/value phrases into the language you require.


  1. Copy the default message property file that contains the translatable key/value phrases in the default language.
  2. Rename the message property file so that the file name includes the new language key and optionally, the locale key.
    How you rename your message properties file depends on whether you are creating a message property file for a language or for a locale within a language. If you are creating a message property file for:
    • a language, the name of the file must be in the format of For example, if you are translating from American English to Spanish, then file must now be called
    • a locale within a language, the name of the file must be in the format of componentNameMessages_ll_CC. For example, if you are translating from American English to Mexican Spanish, then file must now be called
    The definition of ll_CC is
    • ll is a two-letter ISO 639-1 code which identifies the language.
    • CC is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 code that identifies the locale.

    If you want the Application Development Platform to use your new message properties file, you must at least specify a language code.

    For a list of all codes, go to and search for iso 3166 codes.

  3. Translate the strings used with the keys.
  4. Save the files as a zip file.
    • The zip file must be named
    • The file must be in a /l10n folder in the zip.


You can now import the language pack to your application. See Importing Language Packs.