Importing Language Packs

For a language pack to be available for use with an application, you must import the language pack into the application.

When you import a language pack, an file is merged with the current application. The localization files should be in the root folder. However, once the localization files are merged, they are stored in an l10n folder in the application.


Make sure your language packs are available. See Creating Language Packs.


  1. From the Application List view, select the application into which you want to import the language pack.
  2. Click Language.
  3. Click to display the menu options.
  4. Click Import and browse to the file you require.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.
    Once you have saved your changes to an application, the application is saved to memory and the new language is immediately available to the application.


You are now ready to test and publish your application.