Remote Machine 2: Creating a BPM Node

To create a BPM node on remote machine 2, run the Configure TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type wizard on remote machine 2.


  1. In TIBCO Configuration Tool, run the Configure TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type Wizard.
  2. Make sure that you complete the following screens/fields as shown.
    Screen Requirement
    ActiveMatrix BPM Node Type: Administrator Server Configuration Specify the details of the ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
    ActiveMatrix BPM Node Type: Host and Node Configuration
    1. Node Type: Select:
      • BPM if you want to provide high availability and fault tolerance to the BPM system.
      • BPM, Server or Client, as appropriate, if you want to scale that particular component of the BPM runtime so as to boost the performance of the BPM system.
    2. Node Name: Enter a unique name for the node (BPMNode2 in Example configuration for a distributed ActiveMatrix BPM System).
    3. Node Port: Enter a unique port number.
    4. Host: Enter the name of the host that is running on this machine (BPMHost2 in Example configuration for a distributed ActiveMatrix BPM System).
    5. HTTP Port: Enter a unique port number.
    6. Environment Name: Enter the name of the BPM environment that contains the existing BPM node (BPMEnvironment in Example configuration for a distributed ActiveMatrix BPM System).
    7. Override BPM Configuration Folder: Select this.
    8. Configuration Folder: Enter the location of the configuration folder on the shared file system. For example, SHARED_DIR\bpm_config - see Shared File System.
    ActiveMatrix BPM Node Type: Summary
    1. Select Create new ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type.
    2. Click Configure.


TIBCO Configuration Tool:

  • starts a BPM node of the specified type on the specified TIBCO host instance.
  • adds the new node to the specified ActiveMatrix environment (creating that environment if necessary).
  • distributes the BPM application to the new node.

For example, in Example configuration for a distributed ActiveMatrix BPM System, BPMNode2 is started on BPMHost2. The BPMEnvironment is extended to include BPMNode2. The BPM application is distributed to BPMNode2.