About Project Versions

There are two types of version numbers in TIBCO Business Studio, Project version numbers and XPDL Package version numbers.

  • Project version numbers. Organization models use project numbers to control the interaction between different organization models with applications in BPM. You should only need to update project version numbers if you want to make changes to your organization models and then redeploy them to BPM. See Project Version Numbers.
  • XPDL Package version numbers. Processes use XPDL package version numbers to control interaction between processes in different XPDL packages. You should only need to update XPDL version numbers if you want to make changes to a process in an individual XPDL package but do not want to have to redeploy other projects that reference other processes in other XPDL packages in the same project.

Note that:

  • Apart from processes, all other project artifacts ignore XPDL version numbers.
  • An XPDL version number overrides a project version number.