Project Version Numbers

Project version numbers are used to control the interaction of different organization models with applications in BPM.

At design time, in TIBCO Business Studio:

  • a BPM Developer project, Analysis project, or a project containing a business object model or an organization model, is given a version number, in the form major.minor.micro.qualifier. This defaults to 1.0.0.qualifier when the project is created.
  • a process definition, if it is not created in the same project as the organization model it uses, references the project containing that organization model.
  • within a project, all references must be to the same major version of the organization model.
Warning: If you upgrade and change the major version number on a sub-process (for example, from 1.0 to 2.0), any subsequent calls made to that sub-process will fail, as the original sub-process with the initial version (1.0) will no longer be deployed, having been replaced by the new higher major numbered version.

See the following descriptions: