Using Case Data to Display Work Item Lists From Business Services Using TIBCO Openspace

In TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM, you can specify case references in a business service and open a work item list associated with the specified case reference. This can be achieved using TIBCO Openspace.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM allows you to use the case reference of the case data in a business service. You can then display a list of work items that are associated with the specified case reference. You can perform all the usual functions on the work items in the list in the normal way. For example, open, allocate, filter or sort work items. See TIBCO Openspace User's Guide for more information.

Note: You must login in as a user that has the ViewWorkList system action assigned to it to view the work items in the list. This is because, when a business service is run and a work list displayed, it is not the work list of the currently logged in user. The work items in the work item list are associated with the specified case data. This means that some of the work items cannot be opened as only the work items that are offered or allocated to the currently logged in user can be opened.

Once the work item list is closed, the current user task is completed and the business service progresses and completes, in the normal way.

This feature is provided as a component of the BPM Web Client API. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Client Developer API Guide for more information about the BPM Web Client API. TIBCO Business Studio uses Google Web Toolkit (GWT) that in turn uses the Web Client API to access the BPM runtime services.


  1. In TIBCO Business Studio, create your BPM Developer Project in the normal way. See TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide for more information.
  2. Create a business service. Your business service can consist of as many activities as you require. See TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide for more information.
  3. Add a data field to your business service. The type of the data field must be TEXT and ensure its length is long enough for your case references. This data field is used to populate the business service with the case reference. The data field can be populated, either by the user or from another process. See TIBCO BPM Implementation Guide for more information.
  4. Add the web component client template URL to the task that displays the work item list. This means that when this task is reached, a gadget is loaded and the work items associated with the specified case data display in the gadget. To do this:
    1. Select the user task.
    2. From the General tab, select User-Defined Form.
    3. In the Form Identifier box, type the following URL: bpm://worklist/getworkitemsforglobaldata/{datafield} where datafield is the name of data field you defined in Step 3
  5. Deploy the process as normal. See TIBCO Business Studio BPM Implementation Guide for more information.
  6. From TIBCO Openspace, start the business service. Once you have entered the case reference, the work item list displays.
    From this, you can perform all the functions that you can perform on a normal work item list. See TIBCO Openspace User's Guide for more information.