Grid Panes in Edit Mode

When in edit mode, the controls in each cell are displayed as editable when the cell has the focus.

If a control is disabled or read-only, then it continues to display the text version of the control value. The grid pane does not handle any of these keys if the active cell editor handles the keystroke. For example, the textarea controls handle Up/Down Arrow keys. Pressing these keys affects the textarea and not the grid pane.

The keyboard shortcuts listed in the table Keyboard Shortcuts for Grid Panes in Edit Mode are applicable only to edit mode.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Grid Panes in Edit Mode
Press To Do
Enter, or Escape, or Ctrl+Enter Activates display mode, and updates the value. Validations run, and the focus remains on the recently edited cell, which is now in display mode.

The Enter key within a textarea or list control is not handled by the grid pane. For such cases, use Ctrl+Enter to activate display mode.

Tab Shifts the focus to the next cell. The grid pane remains in edit mode, and the editor for the next cell is activated. If the focus is currently on a cell in the last column, the focus shifts to one of the following elements (in this order):
  • the navigation bar if it is visible
  • Add or Delete buttons if they are enabled
  • the next component on the form

If the focus is on the last cell of the last visible row, the focus shifts to the grid navigation bar, or the next component in the form if the grid pane is not paginated.

Shift+Tab Shifts the focus to the previous cell. The grid pane remains in edit mode, and the editor for the previous cell is enabled. If the focus is in the first cell of the first visible row, it shifts to the grid column headers.
Up Arrow key, or Ctrl+Up Arrow key Shifts the focus to the cell in the same column in the previous row.

Grid panes do not handle the Up Arrow key within a few controls, such as Textarea, Optionlist, Radiogroup, or List control. For such cases, use Ctrl+Up Arrow key.

Down Arrow key Shifts the focus to the cell in the same column in the next row.

Grid panes do not handle the Up Arrow key within a few controls, such as Textarea, Optionlist, Radiogroup, or List control. For such cases, use Ctrl+Down Arrow key.

Page Up key Displays the previous page of rows. The focus shifts to the upper-left cell of the new page of records.
Page Down key Displays the next page of rows. The focus shifts to the upper-left cell of the new page of records.