Response Status Codes

All REST API requests return a response status code.

The main HTTP status codes that may be returned by the BPM runtime to the calling client are:

HTTP status code Description
200 OK The request completed successfully.
204 No Content The request completed successfully. (The BPM runtime has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body.)
400 Bad Request The request contains parameters that are not valid, or they are missing.
401 Unauthorized The caller (as identified by the credentials supplied in the Authentication header) is not authorized to perform the request.
403 Forbidden The caller (as identified by the credentials supplied in the Authentication header) is not authorized to complete the request.
404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The request specified the wrong HTTP method.
406 Not Acceptable The Accept header in the request specified a media type that cannot be supplied by the requested resource.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected server-side error occurred. If appropriate, the BPM runtime returns a fault-specific error in the response body.

See API Error Messages for details of the BPM runtime error messages that may be returned.