Pending Work Items

Work items can be pended, which causes them to be hidden in the work item list until a specified date/time, or period of time has expired. The work item becomes visible again when the date/time occurs, or period of time expires. Work items can be pended only if they have a state of ALLOCATED.


  1. From a work item list, press Tab to a work item that has a state of ALLOCATED. You can press Shift with the Up and Down arrows to select more than one work item.
  2. Press Shift, then Enter to move focus to the Action toolbar.
  3. Move to Pend (The icon is a stop watch).
  4. Press Enter. The Pend Work Item ID: n (where n is the ID of your work item) dialog displays.
  5. Do the following:
    • By default, Pend work item until a specific date and time is selected. If this is the option you require, press Tab to the boxes and type a specific date and time. Press Tab to move between the boxes.
    • Use the down arrow to select Pend work item for a period of time. Press Tab to the boxes and type a period of time. Press Tab to move between the boxes.
  6. Either:
    • press Tab to Pend then press enter to pend the work items. The pended work items become hidden. There is an option to view the work items in pendhidden state, see Displaying Visible Hidden Work Items,
    • press Tab, then Enter on Cancel to exist the dialog without saving your changes.