
The specified work item is hidden from the worklist until a specified period. A Work Item can only be Pended if it is Allocated to the current user. The specified workitem is hidden from the worklist for the specified period. Note that a pendWorkItem operation that specifies a hiddenPeriod of 0 cancels a hiddenPeriod set by a previous pendWorkItem operation on the same work item.

Action PendWorkItemByPeriod
Parameter Notes
  • item: work item to pend. This can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList .
  • years: the number of years to pend the work item to or 0.
  • months: the number of months to pend the work item to or 0.
  • weeks: the number of weeks to pend the work item to or 0.
  • days: the number of days to pend the work item to or 0.
  • hours: the number of hours to pend the work item to or 0.
  • minutes: the number of minutes to pend the work item to or 0.
Return VoidResult
private void pendWorkItem(WorkListItem item)
ManagedId id = toManagedObject(item);
HashSet<ManagedId> ids=new HashSet<ManagedId>();
BPMWebClientService.getInstance().execute(new PendWorkItemByPeriod(ids, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
new AsyncCallback<VoidResult>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(VoidResult result)
Window.alert("Work item pended for 1 minute");

Required System Action
