Upgrading a Case Data Model to a New Minor Version

When you upgrade an already deployed case data model, you can deploy it as a new minor version if you have made only non-destructive changes to the model.

If any BOM contains destructive changes, you must deploy the case data model as a new major version instead. See Upgrading a Case Data Model to a New Major Version

Note: If you attempt to deploy a case data model containing destructive changes as a new minor version, deployment will fail.


  • Make sure that the Business Data project has the desired version number (with the same major component of the version number as the currently deployed version). See Case Data Model Versioning.
  • Using the Openspace Data Admin gadget, make sure that the existing version of the case model is not frozen. You cannot upgrade a frozen case model.
  • TIBCO recommend that you only attempt to upgrade a case data model to a new minor version when the BPM system - in particular, any processes that use the case data tables that are being upgraded - is not under heavy load. (If these case data tables are involved in significant numbers of transactions, the upgrade process may fail because it cannot access the required tables to upgrade them within the required timeframe.)


  1. Use your preferred application deployment method to deploy the Business Data project.
  2. In ActiveMatrix Administrator, verify that the upgraded version of the business data application is Running and In Sync.
  3. Using the Openspace Data Admin gadget, verify that the upgraded version of the case model is INSTALLED.

    This indicates that the case data tables have been successully updated.

    Note: If ActiveMatrix BPM is configured to just generate SQL scripts when a case data model is deployed, a DBA will need to obtain and manually run the script to update the case data tables, then notify the BPM runtime that this has been done. See "Obtaining UPDATE Case Data Database Scripts" in the TIBCO Openspace User's Guide.


You can now deploy and run any process applications that use this version of the case data model.

What to do next

You should upgrade any existing process application that references an earlier minor version of this case data model to use this version instead - even if that process application makes no use of the updated parts of the case data model. Keeping case data model applications and dependent process applications in step in this way facilitates subsequent deployments or undeployments of either application. See Process Dependencies and Case Data Models.