Upgrading a Case Data Model to a New Major Version

When you upgrade an already deployed case data model, you must deploy it as a new major version if you have made any destructive changes to the model.

You should only redeploy an existing case data model as a new major version if you have made destructive changes to the model. See Upgrading a Case Data Model. If your changes are purely non-destructive, you may upgrade to a new minor version instead. See Upgrading a Case Data Model to a New Minor Version.


Make sure that the Business Data project that contains the case data model has the desired version number (with a higher major component of the version number than the currently deployed version). See Case Data Model Versioning.


  1. Use your preferred application deployment method to deploy the Business Data project to the BPM runtime. See "Deploying BPM Applications" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM – BPM Deployment guide.
    Note: TIBCO recommend that you do not change the default application name used for the case data model. This name is projectId-projectMajorVersionNumber. For example:
  2. In ActiveMatrix Administrator, verify that the new business data application is Running and In Sync.
  3. Using the Openspace Data Admin gadget, verify that the case model is either INSTALLED (if table management is automatic) or PENDING_DBA_ACTION_TO_INSTALL (if table management is manual).
    This indicates that the required case data tables have been successully created.
    Note: If ActiveMatrix BPM is configured to just generate SQL scripts when a case data model is deployed, a DBA will need to obtain and manually run the database script to create the case data tables, then notify the BPM runtime that this has been done. See "Retrieving CREATE Case Data Database Scripts" in the TIBCO Openspace User's Guide.


You can now deploy and run any process applications that use this version of the case data model.

Earlier major versions of the case data model are not affected. Process applications that reference an earlier major version of this case data model will continue to run against that version, and cannot create or access case objects in this new version. This is because each major version of the case data model is a separate business data application with its own set of case data tables. See Process Dependencies and Case Data Models.