Organization Model Entity Properties

This topic provides lists of the properties that are returned by operations that retrieve organization model entities, as well as definitions of the properties.

See also: getOrgModel, getOrgModelRoots, and getOrgModelEntity.

The following lists the properties that are returned for each type of organizational entity:
  • Organization
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • calendar alias
    • schema type identity
    • allocation method
    • location identity
    • org-unit identities
    • attributes
    • push destinations
  • Organization Unit
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • calendar alias
    • dynamic indicator
    • schema type identity
    • allocation method
    • location identity
    • privilege holdings
    • attributes
    • push destinations
    • extension point configuration
    • model template instance identity values
    • position identities
    • sub-unit identities
  • Position
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • ideal number
    • resource count
    • calendar alias
    • dynamic indicator
    • schema type identity
    • allocation method
    • location identity
    • required capabilities
    • privilege holdings
    • attributes
    • push destinations
    • candidate query configuration
  • Group
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • resource count
    • calendar alias
    • allocation method
    • required capabilities
    • privilege holdings
    • candidate query configuration
    • sub-group identities
  • Location
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • schema type identity
    • attributes
  • Capability
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • resource count
    • qualifier data type
    • qualifier enumeration set
  • Privilege
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • qualifier data type
    • qualifier enumeration set
  • Resource Attribute
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • data type
    • enumeration value(s)
  • Organization Unit - Dynamic Organization Model Templates
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • calendar alias
    • dynamic indicator
    • schema type identity
    • allocation method
    • location identity
    • privilege holdings
    • attributes
    • push destinations
    • model position identities
    • model sub-unit identities
  • Position - Dynamic Organization Model Templates
    • GUID
    • name
    • label
    • ideal number
    • dynamic indicator
    • schema type identity
    • allocation method
    • location identity
    • required capabilities
    • privilege holdings
    • attributes
    • push destinations
    • candidate query configuration

The following are definitions of the organization model entity properties that are returned when navigating the organization model structure:

allocation method
Consists of two properties; the method of allocation and an, optional, "plugin" name. The method is one of: ANY, NEXT, THIS or PLUGIN. The plugin name property is for future use only, and would only appear if the method is PLUGIN.

Organization model entities are assigned attributes via the model schema from which they take their "type". This model schema association is optional; but, when included, the associated schema element of an organization model entity may define attributes that the organization model entity may carry. The attribute elements in a request describe the attribute definition (its GUID, name, label, and data type), and the value(s) assigned to that attribute.

calendar alias

Calendars can be assigned to groups, organizations, organization-units, positions, model organization-units, and model positions. These assignments are made using an alias; a design-time proxy to which a calendar definition can be associated at run-time.

The fact that an organization model entity holds a calendar alias does not mean that the calendar alias is associated with a calendar definition.

candidate query configuration

Candidate queries can be assigned to groups, positions, and model positions. When assigned to these entities, this property will describe its configuration.

data type / qualifier data type
For organization model attributes (including capability and privilege qualifiers) and resource attributes, this property names the type of data that the attribute may hold. Possible values and their interpretations, are:
  • String - any UTF-8 encoded string value.
  • Decimal - a floating point, decimal value.
  • Integer - a numeric value.
  • Boolean - a true/false, yes/no. 0/1 value.
  • DateTime - a date/time value in ISO 8601 format.
  • Date - a date value in ISO 8601 format.
  • Time - a time value in ISO 8601 format.
  • Enum - one of a pre-defined, finite list of values.
  • EnumSet - a sub-set of a pre-defined, finite list of values.
dynamic indicator

A boolean indication of whether an organization-unit or position is derived from a dynamic organization model Template. If "false", or not specified, the entity is not derived from a dynamic organization model template.

enumeration set / qualfiier enumeration set
For an attribute definition of data type "EnumSet" (including capability and privilege qualifiers), this lists the finite value from which an attribute of that definition can take its value. For an attribute value, this lists the sub-set of values taken from the attribute's definition: the attribute definition must be of data type "EnumSet".
extension point configuration

For those organization-unit entities identified as extension points, this shows the configuration of that extension point, including any dynamic instance ID attribute mappings. The extension point configuration may not be complete; in which case the configuration will carry the property complete="false".

The unique identifier for any organization model entity. Although unique to a given entity, that entity may appear in multiple major versions; therefore, the major version may often be required in order to avoid any ambiguity.
ideal number

Positions and model positions can carry an integer value to indicate the number of resources that should, ideally, populate that position. This is purely for information and is not enforced, that is, fewer or more resources can be assigned.


Each organization model entity carries an optional label value. This is generally a non-normalized form of the name property entered in TIBCO Business Studio, but it can be used as a description of the organization model entity.

location identity

Organizations, organization-Units, positions, model organization-Units and model positions may be associated with a location. If so, this property gives the GUID, name, and label of that location entity. The location entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the entity referring to it.

model position identities
Model organization-units may have any number of model positions within them. This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each model position entity. Each model position entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the model organization-unit.
model sub-unit identities

Model organization-units may have any number of model organization-units within them (sub-units). This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each model organization-unit entity. Each model organization-unit entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the model organization-unit.

model template instance identity values

The root organization-unit of a dynamic organization model instance (an organization model fragment generated from a dynamic organization model template) will carry the dynamic instance ID attribute values that distinguish that instance from all other instances of the same dynamic organization model template. These attributes consist of the attribute name (as configured in the dynamic organization model template) and the instance's value (taken from the LDAP attribute associated with the attribute in the extension point's configuration).

Each organization model entity carries a name. The name need not be unique.
org-unit identities

Organizations may have any number of organization-units located directly within them. This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each organization-unit entity. Each organization-unit entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the organizations.

position identities

Organization-units may have any number of positions within them. This property array will give the GUID, name, and label of each position entity. Each position entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the organization-unit.

privilege holdings

Organization-units, positions, and groups may hold any number of privileges, which are inherited by those resources directly within them (for groups, those resources within sub-groups inherit the privileges of parent groups). This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each privilege held. Each privilege entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the entity referring to them.

For those privilege holdings that refer to a qualified privilege, the holding will also list any qualifier value that applies to the holding.

push destinations

Push destinations allow resources to be notified of offered and allocated work items using mechanisms such as e-mail or SMS. Push destinations can be configured against organizations, organization-units, positions, model organization-units, and model positions.

required capabilities

Groups, positions and model positions may hold any number of required capabilities. Although not enforced; these are the capabilities a resource should hold in order to be a member of that group or position. This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each required capability. Each capability entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the entity referring to them.

For those required capabilities that refer to a qualified capability, the holding will also list any qualifier value that applies to the holding.

resource count

For those organization model entities to which resources can be directly assigned (groups, positions and capabilities), the number of resources assigned to those entities can be, optionally, included in the response.

schema type identity

An organization model can include a model schema; a meta-model that gives type information to entities within the organization model itself. In particular, the model schema entities provide attributes that can be assigned to organization model entities that reference those entities.

Organizations, organization-units, positions and locations can carry a reference to a model schema entity. If so, this property gives the GUID, name, and label of the model schema entity. The model schema entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the entity referring to them.

sub-group identities
Groups may have any number of groups within them (sub-groups). This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each group entity. Each group entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the group referring to it.
sub-unit identities
Organization-units may have any number of organization-units within them (sub-units). This property array gives the GUID, name, and label of each organization-unit entity. Each organization-unit entity must be located within the same major version of the organization model as the organization-unit.